ПКОЯз. Англ. Бизнес курс

Give Russian equivalent to the term: Salesperson
Независимый распространитель
Торговый агент
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Price incentive
Ценовые стимулы
Ценовая политика
Ценовые премии
Ценовые схемы
Give English equivalent to the term: Афиша
In-store demonstration
Give English equivalent to the term: Рекламные щиты
In-store demonstration
Give English equivalent to the term: Рыночная цена
Market price
Promotion price
Economic price
Marketing price
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Target market
Рекламный рынок
Нацеленный рынок
Рыночные цели
Целевой рынок
Choose the correct term for the definition: Advertising for a whole sector, such as tourism or health promotion, rather than for a specific product.
Generic advertising
Generic product
Perimeter advertising
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Final product
Общий продукт
Совокупный продукт
Конечный продукт
Полный продукт
Choose the right word to fill in the gap in the following sentence: Products need a clear .................... to make them distinctive and attractive to buyers.
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Potential market
Потенциальный клиент
Потенциал рынка
Потенциальный рынок
Возможности рынка
Give English equivalent to the term: Покупка нескольких товаров по цене одного
in-store demonstration
in-store promotion
on-pack price offer
Give English equivalent to the term: Купоны для последующей покупки
Money-refund offer
coupons for subsequent purchases
Choose the correct term for the definition: The market consisting of the country, where a company is based and no other countries.
international market
national market
domestic market
multinational market
Give English equivalent to the term: Торговая палата
Trade show
Industrial chamber
Chamber of commerce
Trade chamber
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Consumer service firm
Фирма потребления услуг
Фирма потребителей услуг
Объединение потребителей услуг
Фирма оказания услуг
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Store demonstrations
Скидки на определенный товар в магазине
Рекламное оформление витрин
Реклама в магазине
Торговая презентация
Give English equivalent to the term: репутация торговой марки
Brand reliability
Brand loyalty
Brand image
Brand identity
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Immediate incentive to purchase
Немедленный стимул к покупке
Обязательный стимул к покупке
Отсроченный стимул к покупке
Дополнительный стимул к покупке
Give the right term to this definition: Collecting, analysing and reporting data relevant to a specific marketing situation (such as a proposed new product).
Market research
Market survey
Market inquiry
Promotion research
Give English equivalent to the term: Потребительская выставка
Consumer exhibition
Trade show
Commercial chamber
Sales contest
Choose the right word to fill in the gap in the following sentence: A complete ............................ will demonstrate all aspects of our performance in terms of meeting our marketing objectives
Marketing research
Marketing planning
Marketing audit
Market research
Give English equivalent to the term: Стимул покупки с отсрочкой
Intermediate incentive to purchase
Delayed incentive to purchase
Late incentive to purchase
Immediate incentive to purchase
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Consumer sweepstakes
Распродажа по сниженной цене
Предложение о скидке
Лотерея среди покупателей
Предложение сделки без предварительного представления продукции
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Reduced launch price
Демпинговая цена нового товара
Снижение цены при выпуске нового товара
Льготная цена при выпуске товара
Ценовая война при выпуске нового товара
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Trading samples
Торговые образцы
Рекламные образцы
Пробные товары
Пробные образцы
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Intermediary
Независимый распространитель
Торговый агент
Give English equivalent to the term: Рекламируемые товары
Products advertising
Product advertised
Advertising products
Advertised products
Choose the correct term for the definition: Someone, who contacts existing and potential customers, and tries to persuade them to buy goods or services.
sales representative
independent distributor
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Sagging product
Просроченные продукты
Некачественные продукты
Испорченные продукты
Продукты, на которые падает спрос
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Brand identity
Идентификация торговой марки
Приверженность торговой марке
Известность торговой марки
Имидж торговой марки
Give the right term to this definition: Small advertisements in magazine or newspaper categorised by subject
classified ads
TV commercials
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Billboard
Покупка нескольких товаров по цене одного
Реклама на упаковке
Доска для афиш и объявлений
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Cents-off offer
Распродажа по сниженной цене
Предложение сделки без предварительного представления продукции
Лотерея среди покупателей
Предложение о скидке
Choose the right word to fill in the gap in the following sentence: By having documentation which can be used in various markets we are able to take advantage of..............................
Economies of scale
Economies of scope
Marketing audit
Market economies
Give English equivalent to the term: Место торговли, рынок
Point of market
Point of purchase
Point of sale
Give English equivalent to the term: Реклама на упаковке
on-pack promotion
in-store demonstration
Give English equivalent to the term: Рыночная стратегия
Promotion strategy
Marketing strategy
Promotion opportunities
Market opportunities
Answer the question: What are Public relations?
Type of promotion that communicates with targeted receivers in a way that is not feasible by using other elements of the promotion mix. It involves any activity that offers an incentive to induce a desired response by salespersons, intermediaries, and/or final customers.
Communication to correct erroneous impressions, maintain the goodwill of the organization's many publics, and explain the organization's goals and purposes is called public relations.
Any paid form of nonpersonal communication through the mass media about a product by an identified sponsor is advertising.
Personal, face-to-face contact between a seller's representative and those people with whom the seller wants to communicate is personal selling.
Give English equivalent to the term: Продажа без посредника
personal selling
direct mailing
mail order
direct selling
Give Russian equivalent to the term: distribution channels
Распределенные каналы
Каналы распределения
Сеть поставщиков
Сеть магазинов
Give English equivalent to the term: Небрэндированный
Without brand
Give English equivalent to the term: Специализированная розничная торговля
retailing specialists
specialist retailers
specialised retailers
Give English equivalent to the term: Торгово-промышленная выставка
Commercial show
Commercial exhibition
Trade-commercial exhibition
Trade show
Give Russian equivalent to the term: direct mailing
Товары почтой
Почтовая рассылка товаров
Прямая почтовая реклама
Доставка товаров
Give English equivalent to the term: Связи с общественностью
Sales promotion
Public relations
Marketing mix
Promotion mix
Choose the right word to fill in the gap in the following sentence: Promotional techniques aimed at people's fears, ambition, feelings, likes and dislikes are concerned with ..........................
quality appeal
rational appeal
financial appeal
emotional appeal
Choose the right word to fill in the gap in the following sentence: Your product must be available to customers through the most cost-effective channels of ______________.
Choose the correct term for the definition: An idea for a new product, which is tested with target consumers before the actual product is developed.
selling concept
consumer concept
product concept
marketing concept
Give Russian equivalent to the term: sales promotion
Стимулирование продаж
Реклама товаров
Продвижение товаров
Личные продажи
Give English equivalent to the term: Покупательная способность
acquiring capacity
purchasing power
purchasing capacity
acquiring power