ПКОЯз. Англ. Бизнес курс

Give Russian equivalent to the term: demand curve
Кривая предложения
Повышение спроса
Снижение спроса
Кривая спроса
Give English equivalent to the term: Крайний срок употребления продукта
date of sale
the sell-by date
Choose the right word to fill in the gap in the following sentence: ................................ is essential to prepare clear objectives and a strategy for reaching them.
Marketing research
Marketing audit
Market research
Marketing planning
Give Russian equivalent to the term: cold calling
Распродажа по сниженной цене
Предложение сделки без предварительного представления продукции
Лотерея среди покупателей
Предложение о скидке
Choose the right word to fill in the gap in the following sentence: Trading through computers, with orders and payment transmitted along telephone network, is called .....................
mail order
direct selling
mail trade
electronic trading
Answer the question: What is a selling concept?
The 'selling concept' is profitable possibilities of filling unsatisfied needs or creating new ones in areas in which the company is likely to enjoy a differential advantage, due to its distinctive competencies.
The 'selling concept', on the contrary, assumes that the producer's task is to find wants and fill them.
The 'selling concept' assumes that resisting consumers have to be persuaded by vigorous hard-selling techniques to buy non-essential goods or services.
The 'selling concept', i.e. all the various elements of a marketing programme, their integration, and the amount of effort that a company can expend on them in order to influence the target market.
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Circulation
Реклама на телевидении
Срок действия
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Premium promotion
Реклама, основанная на премии
Ценовые стимулы
Рекламные купоны
Возмещение цен с отсрочкой
Give English equivalent to the term: Первоначальная цена
First pricing
Brand price
Initial pricing
Launch pricing
Answer the question: What are targets and modes of promotion?
A promotion has only three modes and two targets. The targets are the trade, the consumer and company employees. The modes are the immediate incentive and the delayed incentive to purchase.
A promotion has only three targets and two modes. The targets are the trade, the consumer and the delayed incentive to purchase. The modes are the immediate incentive to purchase and company employees.
A promotion has only three targets and two modes. The targets are the trade, the consumer and company employees. The modes are the immediate incentive and the delayed incentive to purchase.
A promotion has only three targets and two modes. The targets are the immediate incentive and the delayed incentive to. The modes are purchase the trade, the consumer and company employees.
Choose the right word to fill in the gap in the following sentence: Any activity, which increases consumer awareness of a company or its products is ............................
Public relations
Give Russian equivalent to the term: bargain selling
Договор с покупателем о скидке
Распродажа по сниженной цене
Скидка при договоре
Распродажа по договорной цене
Answer the question: What is the promotion mix?
Any paid form of nonpersonal communication through the mass media about a product by an identified sponsor is advertising.
Personal, face-to-face contact between a seller's representative and those people with whom the seller wants to communicate is personal selling.
Promotion itself is also considered to be comprised of four elements: advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and public relations.
All the various elements of a marketing programme, their integration, and the amount of effort that a company can expend on them in order to influence the target market. The best-known classification of these elements is the '4 Ps': product, place, promotion and price.
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Straightforward price
Прямая цена
Демпинговая цена
Основная цена
Повышенная цена
Give English equivalent to the term: Возмещение цен с отсрочкой
Money-refund offer
coupons for subsequent purchases
What does the abbreviation stand for: Ad
Advertised product
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Money-refund offer
Рекламные купоны
Реклама, основанная на премии
Возмещение цен с отсрочкой
Немедленный стимул к покупке
Choose the correct term for the definition: A basic product, which is bought because of a particular need, e.g. a drink for thirst.
Generic product
Core product
Augmented product
Answer the question: What is the market price?
The market price is the price that the customers expect to pay and may be at either of the levels of economical price or, more probably, somewhere in between.
The market price is that pertaining to luxury goods or goods generally thought of as generous presents.
The market price is the one which sounds lower than it really is.
The market price is the lowest price that can be demanded to cover all costs involved in the production of the good and its distribution, and to show a reasonable profit.
Answer the question: What is a marketing mix?
The marketing mix, i.e. all the various elements of a marketing programme, their integration, and the amount of effort that a company can expend on them in order to influence the target market. The best-known classification of these elements is the '4 Ps': product, place, promotion and price.
The marketing mix is collecting, analysing and reporting data relevant to a specific marketing situation (such as a proposed new product).
The marketing mix is profitable possibility of filling unsatisfied needs or creating new ones in areas in which the company is likely to enjoy a differential advantage, due to its distinctive competencies.
The marketing mix is the lowest price that can be demanded to cover all costs involved in the production of the good and its distribution, and to show a reasonable profit.
Answer the question: What is a sales promotion?
Personal, face-to-face contact between a seller's representative and those people with whom the seller wants to communicate is personal selling.
Communication to correct erroneous impressions, maintain the goodwill of the organization's many publics, and explain the organization's goals and purposes is called public relations.
Sales promotion communicates with targeted receivers in a way that is not feasible by using other elements of the promotion mix. It involves any activity that offers an incentive to induce a desired response by salespersons, intermediaries, and/or final customers.
Any paid form of nonpersonal communication through the mass media about a product by an identified sponsor is advertising.
Give English equivalent to the term: Потребительский рынок
producer market
consumer market
service consumer market
business market
Give Russian equivalent to the term: personal selling
Продажа с доставкой на дом
Личная продажа
Продажа через агента
Личная распродажа
Give Russian equivalent to the term: door-to-door selling
Стимулирование продаж
Продажа со сквозной доставкой товара
Доставка товаров почтой
Личная продажа
Give English equivalent to the term: Снижение цен
Money refund
Bargain selling
Give English equivalent to the term: Каналы распределения
distribution channels
sales promotion
chain stores
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Average market price
Среднерыночная цена
Рынок со средними ценами
Средняя цена рынка
Среднеценовой рынок
Answer the question: What is a producer market?
Producer market, consisting of all the individuals and organizations that acquire goods and services that are used for direct consumption.
Producer market, consisting of all the organizations that acquire goods and services for direct consumption.
Producer market, consisting of all the individuals and organizations that acquire goods and services that are used in the production of other goods, or in the supply of services to others.
Producer market, consisting of all the individuals that acquire goods and services that are used in the production of other goods, or in the supply of services to others.
Give Russian equivalent to the term: In-store offer
Рекламное предложение в магазине
Специальное предложение
Рекламное оформление витрин
Демонстрация товаров в магазине
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Actual purchase
Фактическая покупка
Первичная покупка
Действительная покупка
Потенциальная покупка
Give Russian equivalent to the term: Brand valuation
Оценка брэнда
Стоимость брэнда
Известность брэнда
Качество брэнда
What does the abbreviation stand for: AIDA
attention, interest, distribution, action
attention, interest, desire, action
attention, interest, desire, awareness
awareness, interest, desire, action
Give English equivalent to the term: предложение премии
Cents offer
Prize offer
Premium offer
Bargain offer
Give Russian equivalent to the term: commercial
Доска для афиш и объявлений
Реклама в журнале
Реклама на телевидении
Реклама на упаковке
Give Russian equivalent to the term: basic list price
Расценки на основные товары
Основная прейскурантная цена
Первичная цена
Список основных расценок
Choose the correct term for the definition: A basic product with additional features and services added to the total package
Generic product
Core product
Augmented product
What does the abbreviation stand for: U.S.P.
Unique Sales Proposition
Unique Selling Proposition
Unique Sales Promotion
Unique Selling Promotion
Give the right term to this definition: The person, customer etc, who is the ultimate (and so real) user of a product
Give Russian equivalent to the term: points of sale
Торговая точка
Место продажи
Место рекламы