ПКОЯз. Англ. Бизнес курс
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) To remain profitable it is necessary for enterprises employing mass-production methods to utilise their people B) When orders fall short of full capacity it is a bad idea to keep the plant running and to produce for stock rather than to reduce the volume of output
А- false, В- false
А-true, В-false
А- false, В- true
А- true, В- true
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: He was later arrested and charged with 98 different felonies, (to include) a lot of insider dealing, and Drexel Burnham Lambert went bankrupt in 1990
Correspond the left and right parts
So if a company held an annual
opinions and two approaches is lost if the two offices are combined
Thus if a company was incorporated on 1 November 1999 it would have until 30 April 2001 to hold
its first annual general meeting
The advantage of two
general meeting on 31 March 2000 it must hold the next one in 2001 and on or before 30 June 2001
Choose the right preposition: Then later it became clear that many ... these conglomerates consisted of too many companies and not enough synergy
Choose two possible answers: In the document this clause _______ the things which the company can do
For a large organization manufacturing a range of products, having a single production department is _______. inefficient
The sense of anomie – alienation, disconnectedness – at Apple is _______
Chose three possible answers: It is self-evident that _______ must be fairly fixed in nature while policy is subject to easier modification
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And it is also essential that the reports and recommendations made by these joint consultative committees are seen to be (to give) due weight by management
Correspond the left and right parts
However, the chairman is elected not by the shareholders but by the board of directors, of which
problems of running the organisation
Every board of directors must have
a chairman and by virtue of this office he is also chairman of the company
Unless the enterprise is fairly small the chairman usually has no executive powers and is thus free from the day-to-day
he is a member
Correspond the left and right parts
Where the nature of the product is the result of formulations such as petro-chemical products, adhesives and jams, process production or continuous-flow process
it is necessary for enterprises employing mass-production methods to utilise machinery to virtually full capacity
An example of this is the stock-piling of motor-cars when sales are low. This situation cannot, of
advantageous to keep the plant running and to produce for stock rather than to reduce the volume of output
When orders fall short of full capacity it is often more
course, continue indefinitely
In order to remain profitable
production are the terms normally used
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Lazy companies that fail to do this will be (to take) over by raiders who will use assets more efficiently, cut costs, and increase shareholder value
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) A committee is formed to regulate the process of winding up B) In case of a voluntary liquidation the commission is appointed by the shareholders at the general meeting, but if the winding-up is compulsory then a court, in majority cases an arbitration, must appoint this committee to solve the problem
А- false, В- true
А- false, В- false
А-true, В-false
А- true, В- true
Chose three possible answers: Thus the memorandum and the articles of association _______ the powers and the proceedings of a company
Choose the right preposition: There is often also a distinct market challenger, ... the second largest market share
Correspond the left and right parts
He is usually chosen because of his knowledge and experience of the industry within which the organization operates, though a proven record of success elsewhere
from the problem and can offer unbiased advice based on independent experience
Any member may, by giving notice to the company not later than three months before the end of the year in which an AGM should have been held but for the opting out, require
the member of the board most in the public eye and must therefore present a suitable public image that encourages confidence both in the company and in himself
If the enterprise is a major one the chairman will be
an AGM to be held in that year
Consultation between chairman and managing director on many matters is often helpful and fruitful because the chairman can be detached
may prove equally attractive to the board
Chose three possible answers: It becomes apparent that Agreeing objectives and formulating policy are _______ the most onerous of the domestic responsibilities of directors
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Some raiders in the 1980s (to discover) that this was quite simply untrue
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The market could understand data concerning companies’ earnings, but it (to be) highly inefficient in valuing assets, including land, buildings and pension funds
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) There are several legal requirements, including the submission of a Memorandum of Association and other documents to the Registrar of Companies when the company is set up, and the publication of annual accounts B) Many medium companies in manufacturing and retailing are private
А- false, В- true
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- false
А-true, В-false
Correspond the left and right parts
Holders of not less than one tenth
than the annual general meeting are extraordinary general meetings. They may be called by the directors at any time
The notice of the
and regulate the proceedings at board meetings, but as head of the organisation he should have the capacity to lead the management team in a positive fashion and to stimulate them to develop new approaches to management problems
His primary technical function is to control
meeting must say that it is the annual general meeting
All general meetings other
of the paid up share capital on which all calls due have been paid the right to requisition an extraordinary general meeting
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) When redundancies are inevitable union co-operation can be particularly helpful in obtaining fair compensation for those affected B) Managerial decisions can not be delayed because of the lengthy discussions necessary at plant and local union level for these decisions to be implemented
А- false, В- false
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- true
А-true, В-false
Just like sole proprietors, _______ have unlimited liability and there are no special legal requirements. Professional people such as doctors, accountants and solicitors often form partnerships
Choose the right preposition: Small companies are generally flexible and can quickly respond to market conditions, but their narrow range ...customers causes problematic fluctuations in turnover and profit
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Workers are (to consider) to be at least as important as shareholders
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) President Gorbachev signed the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996, Public Law 104-188, on August 20, 1996 B) Clerical and managerial workers are always very susceptible to union influence
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- true
А-true, В-false
А- false, В- false
Choose two possible answers: and there are also stated different questions _______ the regulation of the company
related to
connected with
given to
deriving from
And another possibility is to have wholly autonomous, temporary groups or _______ that are responsible for an entire project, and are split up as soon as it is successfully completed
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) There is only a statement that the registered office of a company is situated in England B) This requires just one vote
А-true, В-false
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- false
А- false, В- true
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) In many countries, including France and Italy, unions do not exist B) As a result of deregulation, working conditions in many industries in many countries have worsened
А-true, В-false
А- false, В- true
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- false
Organizational systems include matrix management and teams, both of which combine people from different functions and keep decision-making at lower _______
Choose two possible answers: Today the most popular form of business is a joint-stock _______, also called a company or corporation, a joint stock company is a “legal person”
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) A private limited company is usually controlled by Italian mafia B) Private limited company always has more than fifty members who provide the capital which is divided into shares
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- true
А- false, В- false
А-true, В-false
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: It's true that The first company in a particular market nearly always becomes the market leader, a position it will (to try) to keep by regularly attacking distinct market challengers and followers
Choose the right preposition: They are vulnerable ... a recession when, largely for psychological reasons, distributors, retailers and customers all prefer to buy from big well-known suppliers
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Some individual companies (may) have been more efficient if liberated from central management
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) The articles together with the memorandum when registered are not yet a contract which binds the company and its members as if signed and sealed by each member B) The only major document, governing the company is the articles of association
А-true, В-false
А- false, В- true
А- false, В- false
А- true, В- true
Choose two possible answers: They suppose it is important to choose the legal form that will enable your business to _______, while taking into consideration the activities to be carried on
go forward
go back
plc _______ at least two members but no maximum since it can offer its shares for sale to the public and may, therefore, have hundreds of thousands of shareholders, who have one vote for each share they own
Correspond the left and right parts
A manufacturer using batch production will set up a production run when orders for a particular item are received, but has the problem of making the run economically viable; in other words
production and less machinery. Whether goods are made in advance of orders or subsequent to them depends not so much on the type of production method as on the situation in the market
A batch of one design will be made and then a batch of another, and then perhaps
entailed, and machines are more versatile
Labour is more skilled in this method of production than in mass production because of the variety of the work
the first will be run again
It uses more labour, proportionately, than mass
producing sufficient quantity to make the run profitable
Choose two possible answers: As soon as you _______. a joint-stock company, you need to prepare its Memorandum of Association, which must contain the following clauses
set up
Put the verb in brackets in the right form:The Government is also now a large employer of direct labour which forces it to (be) a party to industrial relations negotiations
Chose three possible answers: The duties and responsibilities of the board of directors fall into two general _______, legal and domestic
Chose three possible answers: He may be in a _______ position to bring these problems to the attention of the board, where necessary, for their advice and possible action
Put the verb in brackets in the right form:It may be (to raise) with such committees from safety to discipline, from welfare to training
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) There is only a statement that the registered office of a company is situated in England B) The address is not given but, as we have seen, it is filed with the Registrar when applying for registration
А-true, В-false
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- true
А- false, В- false
Choose two possible answers: Obviously this clause simply _______ that the liability of the membership is limited
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) ASSA is a common acronym for Tax Exempt Special B) Additional Voluntary Contributions means you have to pay extra to your boss
А- false, В- false
А- true, В- true
А-true, В-false
А- false, В- true
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Because the trade union movement is historically directly linked in Britain with the Labour Party there has (to be) inevitably concern about the amount of influence and interference in Government that might occur
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: In some markets there (to be) often also a distinct market challenger, with the second largest market share