ПКОЯз. Англ. Бизнес курс

Choose two possible answers: We think there are two steps to be _______ before starting your business
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Usually, a market can also be (to expand) by stimulating more usage: for example, many households no longer have only one radio or cassette player, but perhaps one in each room, one in the car, plus a Walkman or two
Choose the right preposition: Challengers can either attempt to attack the leader, or to increase their market share ... attacking various market followers
Part of the profit _______ is not re-invested in the company is paid out to shareholders as a dividend
Choose the right preposition: In that time a big wave of takeovers in the US created conglomerates – collections ... unrelated businesses combined into a single corporate structure
Choose two possible answers: A major _______, governing the company is the articles of association
Choose two possible answers: So, you can _______groups and end up not knowing anyone
mix up
Choose two possible answers: it means your _______will affect daily operations of the business, the taxes to be paid and the degree of liability of the entrepreneur and of any partners he may have
There exists a clear line or chain _______ command running down the pyramid
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The power of the trade unions in Britain was significantly (to curtail) by Government legislation, with the result that there is now less anxiety on the part of employers and Government over the strike threat
Some companies offering a large _______ of products or services might also be subdivided into autonomous divisions
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: It's well-known that in the 1960s, a big wave of takeovers in the US (to create) conglomerates – collections of unrelated businesses combined into a single corporate structure
Connection between divisions can be improved by the introduction of matrix management or _______.
Chose three possible answers: He may be financially interested in _______ company with which a contract is being considered
some other
one more
The minus with reorgs is that they _______ to happen overnight, and many times they are handled by groups being demolished and people being told to go to Human Resources and find a new job at Apple
Some banks, _______. example, have established commercial, corporate, private banking, international and investment divisions
Choose two possible answers: We know the actual address is not _______ but, as we have seen, it is filed with the Registrar when applying for registration
Choose the right preposition: If the product does not have a ‘unique selling proposition’ there is no reason ... anyone to buy it
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) A patently fair and just pay scale is essential to ensure a satisfied work-force, and the ability to earn extra money beyond basic pay is not an incentive to greater productivity B) Most organisations operate bonus schemes which add to a worker’s earnings through greater output than the standard laid down for basic pay
А- false, В- true
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- false
А-true, В-false
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Mass-produced products, which range from such items as breakfast cereals and paper products to motor-cars, are manufactured in advance of sales, and sales forecasting and marketing of a high order are essential for the success of the manufacturing enterprise B) The small proportion of skilled labour required is employed to set up the machines for production, and is highly paid
А-true, В-false
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- false
А- false, В- true
Put the verb in brackets in the right form:It is considered that the fact of profit-sharing (to be) sufficient participation and incentive
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Japanese managers and financiers, for example, seem to consider companies as places where people work, rather than as assets to be bought and (to sell)
And there may also be staff positions _______ are not integrated into the hierarchy
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Financial theory argues that stock markets are efficient, (to mean) that all relevant information about companies is built into their share prices
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The best targets for such buyouts were companies with huge cash reserves that (to enable) the buyer to pay the interest on the debt, or companies with successful subsidiaries that could be sold to repay the principal, or companies in fields that are not sensitive to a recession, such as food and tobacco
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: In modern business there (to be) a leader that strongly influences other firms in the introduction of new products, price changes, promotions, and so on
Stakes can be transferred only with the _______. of other shareholders and cannot be offered for sale to the general public
Chose three possible answers: _______ chief executive he is made aware of the day-to-day problems and requirements of the company in all significant areas such as capital requirements, staffing, liquidity and so on
In the position of
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Pay is never subject to negotiation between the employer and one or more trade unions B) The question of remuneration is easy
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- false
А- false, В- true
А-true, В-false
Choose two possible answers: Your _______ or accountant can help you make the right choice
legal assistant
Correspond the left and right parts
This method, which is also known as flow-line production, is a process of continuous production where large numbers of more or less
to cope with varying work
It is unusual for an organisation to be able
sums for wages have to be regularly found
Where jobs of high value and extended time-span are the rule problems are often experienced with financing the projects, especially in view of the high labour content which means that large
to make for stock as each order will be different from previous orders and from future ones
There is little opportunity for the use of highly specialised machinery, and the machinery that is used must be versatile and able
identical units are manufactured continuously
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) British unions are known as trade unions B) They are largely disorganized
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- false
А-true, В-false
А- false, В- true
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) The amount of money available for investing in a business can be increased by forming a partnership of at least two people, who all contribute capital to the business and share the profit in agreed proportions B) Private limited company always has more than fifty members who provide the capital which is divided into shares
А- false, В- true
А- false, В- false
А- true, В- true
А-true, В-false
Chose three possible answers: So, the board is responsible for ensuring that the company _______ according to the law
It means, that Apple still _______ the bright young people
Choose the right preposition: It's clear that the majority of companies ... any industry are merely market followers which present no threat to the leader
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Mass production is a process of continuous production where large numbers of more or less identical units are manufactured continuously B) It is the exactly like job production
А-true, В-false
А- false, В- false
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- true
Correspond the left and right parts
Highly specialised machinery is used and in the most modern mass-production plants practically all of the work and machines
is unskilled or semi-skilled
Where jobs of high value and extended time-span are the rule problems are often experienced with financing the projects, especially in view of the high labour content which means that large
to make for stock as each order will be different from previous orders and from future ones
It is unusual for an organisation to be able
sums for wages have to be regularly found
The labour content is relatively small compared to the capital investment, and most of it
are controlled by computer
Some businesses are organized as hierarchies, with a clear chain of command: a boss who has subordinates, who in turn have their own subordinates, and so _______
Correspond the left and right parts
Any member may, by giving notice to the company not later than three months before the end of the year in which an AGM should have been held but for the opting out, require
meeting must say that it is the annual general meeting
His primary technical function is to control
general meeting on 31 March 2000 it must hold the next one in 2001 and on or before 30 June 2001
So if a company held an annual
and regulate the proceedings at board meetings, but as head of the organisation he should have the capacity to lead the management team in a positive fashion and to stimulate them to develop new approaches to management problems
The notice of the
an AGM to be held in that year
Choose two possible answers: when it _______ into a transaction which is not included in the clause, that transaction will at common law be ultra vires (that is, beyond its powers) and void (that is, of no effect)
Correspond the left and right parts
It is unusual for an organisation to be able
a bridge-building or in road construction, there can be no question of making for stock
Continuity of work for both labour and equipment depends, therefore, on effective marketing and under this heading
must be included competitive tendering
In many cases, such as
to make for stock as each order will be different from previous orders and from future ones
Limited _______ have at least two but usually not more than fifty members who provide the capital which is divided into shares
The production and marketing departments cannot take financial _______ without consulting the finance department
Choose two possible answers: So, a joint stock company has its own assets and _______ its own debts. The liability of the shareholders is limited to their investment
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Then he (to create) a huge and liquid market of up to 300 billion dollars for ‘junk bonds’
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Legislation was passed, some to (strengthen) and some to mitigate the strength of union power which, while it might be beneficial to workers generally, was seen to be damaging to the economy as a whole
Chose three possible answers: Then he has a dual _______, that of director on the board and that of chief executive
Choose the right preposition: Then he created a huge and liquid market ... up to 300 billion dollars
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Once you set up a joint-stock company, you never really need to prepare its Memorandum of Association B) The short forms – ’Ltd’ and ‘plc’ – are allowed
А- false, В- false
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- true
А-true, В-false