ПКВЯз. Англ. Бизнес курс

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) An inherent problem of hierarchies is that people at lower levels are unable to make important decisions, but have to pass on responsibility to their boss B) One solution to this is matrix management, in which people report to more than one superior
А- true, В- true
А-true, В-false
А- false, В- false
А- false, В- true
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The actual acquisition of shares by the workers poses a problem, especially as they can, if they work for a public company, purchase them through the stock market if they really desire to (become) co-owners
Chose three possible answers: The memorandum and the articles of association _______ the powers and the proceedings of a company
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) In some countries, including France and Italy, unions are largely entertaining B) Industrial relations tend to be worse in countries, industries and companies where communications are good, i.e. where management consults workers on matters that will concern them, where neither side treats the other as an adversary, and when unions do not insist upon the preservation of completely uneconomic jobs and working practices
А- false, В- false
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- true
А-true, В-false
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) A joint stock company has its own assets and incurs its own debts. The liability of the shareholders is limited to their investment B) Once you set up a joint-stock company, you never really need to prepare its Memorandum of Association
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- true
А- false, В- false
А-true, В-false
Choose the right preposition: Many market followers concentrate on market segmentation: finding a profitable niche in the market that is not satisfied by other goods or services, and that offers growth potential or gives the company a differential advantage because _______ its specific competencies
The hierarchy might be internally divided into functional _______
This is one _______ of keeping authority at lower levels, but it is not necessarily a very efficient one
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Market followers often concentrate on profitable niche products that (to be) in some way differentiated from the products of larger companies
Choose two possible answers: They _______ why they are there, because they’ve had two bosses in six months, and their job has changed twice
want to know
Choose the right preposition: It later became clear that many _______ these conglomerates consisted of too many companies and not enough synergy
Correspond the left and right parts
This has an adverse psychological
vice-president for manufacturing with Toyota in Japan in the early 1950s – although he stated that he got the idea from American supermarkets
The use of a conveyer belt gives the worker no control over the pace of his work and diminishes opportunities to communicate
continuous production
This is a method that falls between job and mass production, and may be said to be repeated production but not
with his fellow workers
The system is usually credited to Taiichi Ohno, who was
effect on the workers leading to boredom and lack of job satisfaction
Correspond the left and right parts
In many cases, such as
to cope with varying work
Further, the labour employed has to be highly skilled for the most part, and supervision must be constant and
very technically competent
There is little opportunity for the use of highly specialised machinery, and the machinery that is used must be versatile and able
a bridge-building or in road construction, there can be no question of making for stock
Correspond the left and right parts
Continuity of work for both labour and equipment depends, therefore, on effective marketing and under this heading
are controlled by computer
The labour content is relatively small compared to the capital investment, and most of it
is unskilled or semi-skilled
Highly specialised machinery is used and in the most modern mass-production plants practically all of the work and machines
must be included competitive tendering
Choose two possible answers: The most popular form of business is a joint-stock _______, also called a company or corporation, a joint stock company is a “legal person”
Put the verb in brackets in the right form:The first was greater direct intervention of Government into industrial negotiations through (to impose) pay policies and consequent legislation, and the second was the growth of the demand among trade unionists for comparable pay and conditions throughout the different plants of an organisation or throughout an industry
In fact they still require a definite leader, on whom their success probably _______.
Communication among divisions can be improved by the introduction of matrix management or _______.
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Retirement is when you start working more B) A short-term investment is when you plan to invest the money for many years
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- false
А- false, В- true
А-true, В-false
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Takeovers (to use) borrowed money are called ‘leveraged buyouts’ or ‘LBOs’. Leverage means having a large proportion of debt compared to equity capital
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) It is easy to start a private business, and it's even easier to compete with large firms, and difficult to raise money for expansion B) When people open small shops, or work for themselves as plumbers, decorators and so on, they are usually sole proprietors
А- false, В- true
А- false, В- false
А- true, В- true
А-true, В-false
Correspond the left and right parts
Industries offering choices of design
consist of a significant number of similar items but these orders are not sufficient to justify continuous manufacture
This has an adverse psychological
level of interest in the job
The result is a high rate of absenteeism, general work stoppages and possibly defective work owing to a low
effect on the workers leading to boredom and lack of job satisfaction
It is employed where orders
or sophistication in their products make use of batch production, a notable one being the furniture industry
Put the verb in brackets in the right form:It will be noted that no mention of pay (to have) been made in the range of matters subject to joint consultation
Chose three possible answers: The board is responsible for ensuring that the company _______ according to the law
Choose two possible answers: The short forms – ’Ltd’ and ‘plc’ – are _______
Choose two possible answers: If a joint-stock company _______ bankrupt and can not pay out its debts, then either the shareholders or the creditors are entitles to sell it out
Choose two possible answers: Finally, there is an association _______ which states that the subscribers wish to be formed into a company and that they agree to take the shares opposite their names
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) A company is only a legal person but, like a human being, it must have a birth certificate B) A private company, whether limited by shares or guarantee, must end its name with the word ‘com’
А-true, В-false
А- false, В- false
А- false, В- true
А- true, В- true
Correspond the left and right parts
Consultation between chairman and managing director on many matters is often helpful and fruitful because the chairman can be detached
with the day-to-day operations of the concern
The task of the chairman is very onerous
the avoidance of divided opinions at the top, there are two important reasons for not combining these two offices
Whilst this may result in
and requires a good deal of time devoted to it, particularly in considering matters coming up for discussion at board meetings
So far as it’s possible he must be detached and unbiased in his deliberations. This is difficult to achieve when a person has executive responsibilities and is thus constantly in contact
from the problem and can offer unbiased advice based on independent experience
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The first is to offer shares to workers at attractive prices and the second to (award) shares as bonus payments
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Other followers merely (to imitate) the products of larger companies, but this is a dangerous strategy during recessions
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Asset-stripping – selling off the assets of poorly (to perform) or under-valued companies – proved to be highly lucrative
Correspond the left and right parts
Where the nature of the product is the result of formulations such as petro-chemical products, adhesives and jams, process production or continuous-flow process
cause production to cease altogether
Mass-produced products, which
labour required is employed to set up the machines for production, and is highly paid
The small proportion of skilled
range from such items as breakfast cereals and paper products to motor-cars, are manufactured in advance of sales, and sales forecasting and marketing of a high order are essential for the success of the manufacturing enterprise
This small, very skilled, work-force is a vital element in continuing production and disruption of their operations normally causes severe setbacks in manufacturing volume, and can
production are the terms normally used
More recent organizational systems include matrix management and teams, both of which combine people from different functions and keep decision-making at lower _______
It is possible for anyone _______ succeeds in buying 51% of the shares to gain control of a PLC
At the same time, though, the continual reorganizations mean that nobody has long-_______ responsibility for anything
Choose the right preposition: Furthermore, they are vulnerable _______ a recession when, largely for psychological reasons, distributors, retailers and customers all prefer to buy from big well-known suppliers
And so the sense is at Apple that if you don’t like where you are, don’t worry, because three to six months from now everything is going to be different
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The ideal targets for such buyouts were companies with huge cash reserves that (to enable) the buyer to pay the interest on the debt, or companies with successful subsidiaries that could be sold to repay the principal, or companies in fields that are not sensitive to a recession, such as food and tobacco
Yet for a large organization manufacturing a range of products, having a single production department is _______. inefficient
Chose three possible answers: The shareholders also have a right to expect the board to act _______ in the interests of the members, and the company is entitled to the unbiased advice of each director on any matter of concern to the company
Chose three possible answers: In such cases it is usually required that the director concerned should declare his interest and refrain from joining in any _______ of the matter and from voting
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) President Gorbachev signed the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996, Public Law 104-188, on August 20, 1996 B) Section 2104 amends the Fair Labor Standards Act and provides that effective October 1, 1996, employees as well as their wives shall not be paid less than $4.75 an hour
А- false, В- false
А-true, В-false
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- true
Correspond the left and right parts
His primary technical function is to control
a chairman and by virtue of this office he is also chairman of the company
Unless the enterprise is fairly small the chairman usually has no executive powers and is thus free from the day-to-day
and advice are most valuable
He is therefore able to devote all his energies to those problems that concern top management, such as policy-making, where his expertise
problems of running the organisation
Every board of directors must have
and regulate the proceedings at board meetings, but as head of the organization he should have the capacity to lead the management team in a positive fashion and to stimulate them to develop new approaches to management problems
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) The question of remuneration can be a thorny one. B) In many areas of work basic pay is not subject to negotiation between the employer and one or more trade unions, and at present the main criterion is not the worth of the job to the employer but a mixture of the cost of living and what is being paid elsewhere
А- false, В- false
А- false, В- true
А- true, В- true
А-true, В-false
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Essentially industrial relations are concerned with the relations between management and production workers and concentrate very largely upon the conditions of service, the (to work) environment and wages
Choose two possible answers: A public _______ must end its name with the words ‘public limited company’
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Where there is mutual respect – that is, where morale is good – employees can more easily be given a picture of the organisation’s problems and thus obtain a better understanding of them through meetings with shop stewards and local union officials B) Clerical and managerial workers are less susceptible to union influence and in these areas there is never any union involvement, particularly among local-authority workers and civil servants
А- false, В- false
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- true
А-true, В-false
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Although the market could understand data concerning companies’ earnings, it (to be) highly inefficient in valuing assets, including land, buildings and pension funds
Choose the right preposition: Although small companies are generally flexible and can quickly respond to market conditions, their narrow range _______customers causes problematic fluctuations in turnover and profit