ПКВЯз. Англ. Бизнес курс

Put the verb in brackets in the right form:This attempts to (mediate) between the parties in dispute and is generally very successful
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Various legislation was passed, some to (strengthen) and some to mitigate the strength of union power which, while it might be beneficial to workers generally, was seen to be damaging to the economy as a whole
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) The enactment of the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1796 will improve the economic lives of millions of American workers B) The minimum wage increase applies to all wage employees covered by sections 5342(a)(2) and 5348 of title 5, United States Code
А- false, В- false
А-true, В-false
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- true
Put the verb in brackets in the right form:This is because it was historically the custom in Britain for problems (to relate) to wages to be dealt with through collective bargaining
One of the first _______.. to be decided on is the method or “basis” of accounting
Choose the right preposition: Market challengers can either attempt to attack the leader, or to increase their market share _______ attacking various market followers
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The idea of a Japanese manager (to restructure) a company, laying off a large number of workers, and getting a huge pay rise (as frequently happens in Britain and the US), is unthinkable
Firstly, people are usually more concerned with the success of their department than that of the company, _______ there are permanent battles between, for example, finance and marketing, or marketing and production, which have incompatible goals
Correspond the left and right parts
It is unusual for an organisation to be able
must be included competitive tendering
There is little opportunity for the use of highly specialised machinery, and the machinery that is used must be versatile and able
to cope with varying work
Continuity of work for both labour and equipment depends, therefore, on effective marketing and under this heading
to make for stock as each order will be different from previous orders and from future ones
Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman, in their well-known book In Search of Excellence, insist on the necessity of pushing authority and autonomy down the _______, but they argue that one element – probably the product – must have priority; four-dimensional matrices are far too complex
Chose three possible answers: Similarly, _______ chief executive he is made aware of the day-to-day problems and requirements of the company in all significant areas such as capital requirements, staffing, liquidity and so on
in the position of
Put the verb in brackets in the right form:In such cases it is considered that the fact of profit-sharing (to be) sufficient participation and incentive
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Most followers can either concentrate on small market segments or niches, or follow the safer strategy of (to imitate) the leader’s products
Chose three possible answers: For instance, he may be financially interested in _______ company with which a contract is being considered
some other
one more
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The market leader is frequently able (to lead) other firms in the introduction of new products, in price changes, in the level or intensity of promotions, and so on
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) The vast majority of French workers seem to have rejected the confrontational politics of the main unions B) The question of remuneration is easy
А- false, В- false
А- true, В- true
А-true, В-false
А- false, В- true
Chose three possible answers: While flexibility must apply to both, it is self-evident that _______ must be fairly fixed in nature while policy is subject to easier modification
Choose the right preposition: If its product does not have a ‘unique selling proposition’ there is no reason _______ anyone to buy it
Choose the right preposition: Perhaps such managements have learnt a lesson _______ the experience of an American company which lost control to its work-force through the issue of shares with voting rights as bonuses, where the numbers of shares subsequently held by workers exceeded those held by the original owners
Choose two possible answers: The articles together with the memorandum _______registered are a contract which binds the company and its members as if signed and sealed by each member
Choose the right preposition: Fat or lazy companies that fail to do this will be taken over _______ raiders who will use assets more efficiently, cut costs, and increase shareholder value
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) In order to remain profitable it is necessary for enterprises employing mass-production methods to utilise their people B) When orders fall short of full capacity it is a bad idea to keep the plant running and to produce for stock rather than to reduce the volume of output
А- false, В- true
А- false, В- false
А-true, В-false
А- true, В- true
Correspond the left and right parts
If the directors do not call a meeting within 21 days of the date of depositing the requisition, the requisitionists, or the majority in value of them, may call the meeting within three months
than the annual general meeting are extraordinary general meetings. They may be called by the directors at any time
The requisition must state the objects of the meeting, be signed by the requisitionists, and deposited at the
registered office of the company
All general meetings other
of the date of the deposit of the requisition
Choose two possible answers: This clause _______ the things which the company can do
Choose two possible answers: Your _______will affect daily operations of the business, the taxes to be paid and the degree of liability of the entrepreneur and of any partners he may have
Many medium-_______ companies in manufacturing and retailing are of this type
Like private limited companies, plcs have limited liability, must _______ a Memorandum of Association, publish their accounts and are subject to many legal requirements as set out in the Companies Act, 1985
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: He (to create, past simple) a huge and liquid market of up to 300 billion dollars for ‘junk bonds’
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The individual companies (may) have been more efficient if liberated from central management
Correspond the left and right parts
So if a company held an annual
and an extraordinary general meeting
The notice of the
its first annual general meeting
Thus if a company was incorporated on 1 November 1999 it would have until 30 April 2001 to hold
meeting must say that it is the annual general meeting
There are two kinds of company general meeting: the annual general meeting (AGM)
general meeting on 31 March 2000 it must hold the next one in 2001 and on or before 30 June 2001
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Manual and service industry workers are often organized in labour unions B) They attempt to ensure fair wages, reasonable working hours and safe working conditions for their members
А-true, В-false
А- false, В- false
А- false, В- true
А- true, В- true
Choose two possible answers: I don’t hear people who are _______ happy to be at Apple any more
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) There are twenty seven steps to be taken before starting your business B) Choosing the legal structure of the business is a very small step in the decisions you will have to make
А- false, В- true
А-true, В-false
А- false, В- false
А- true, В- true
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) There are several legal requirements, including the submission of a Memorandum of Association and other documents to the Registrar of Companies when the company is set up, and the publication of annual accounts B) Many medium-sized companies in manufacturing and retailing are private
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- false
А- false, В- true
А-true, В-false
Put the verb in brackets in the right form:In its purest form it (to propose) that workers become actual shareholders in their companies, thus participating in the distribution of profits and having the power to vote at annual general meetings
The problem with reorgs is that they _______ to happen overnight, and many times they are handled by groups being demolished and people being told to go to Human Resources and find a new job at Apple
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Time is never saved in pay negotiations when dealing with a union as compared to dealing with individuals B) This is not relevant in respect of supervisors and managers where it helps to promote equitable schemes of remuneration and to avoid inequalities and possible consequent resentment
А- false, В- true
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- false
А-true, В-false
Choose two possible answers: The actual address _______ be changed by an ordinary resolution of the members. This requires a 51 per cent majority
Chose three possible answers: As a director he partakes in the activities of the _______ - the formulation of policy, decisions on capital expenditure and so on
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: In the 1960s and 1970s the power of the trade unions (to grow) considerably and the influence of organized labour, as it is called, was evident in all issues concerning worker-management relations
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) There is only a statement that the registered office of a company is situated in England B) The actual address is not given but, as we have seen, it is filed with the Registrar when applying for registration
А-true, В-false
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- false
А- false, В- true
Put the verb in brackets in the right form:A further device to endeavour to solve industrial disputes, (to set up) under the auspices of the British government, is the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, known as ACAS
Shares can be transferred only with the _______. of other shareholders and cannot be offered for sale to the general public
Correspond the left and right parts
It uses more labour, proportionately, than mass
entailed, and machines are more versatile
A batch of one design will be made and then a batch of another, and then perhaps
or sophistication in their products make use of batch production, a notable one being the furniture industry
Industries offering choices of design
the first will be run again
Labour is more skilled in this method of production than in mass production because of the variety of the work
production and less machinery. Whether goods are made in advance of orders or subsequent to them depends not so much on the type of production method as on the situation in the market
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Raiders in the 1980s (to discover) that this was quite simply untrue
Put the verb in brackets in the right form:Essentially, however, the basic pattern of procedure (to be) similar to joint consultation
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) In many countries, including France and Italy, unions do not exist B) Workers in different industries join unions without a particular political position
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- false
А-true, В-false
А- false, В- true
One solution to this is matrix management, in _______. people report to more than one superior
Choose two possible answers: But _______a liquidation committee is formed to regulate the process of winding up
first of all
first of us
first thing
Businesses that cannot be divided _______ autonomous divisions with their own markets can simulate decentralization, setting up divisions that deal with each other using internally determined transfer prices