ПКВЯз. Англ. Бизнес курс
Choose the right preposition: Raiders and their supporters argue that the permanent threat _______ takeovers is a challenge to company managers
Correspond the left and right parts
Further, the labour employed has to be highly skilled for the most part, and supervision must be constant and
very labour intensive since it does not easily lend itself to mechanisation
There is little opportunity for the use of highly specialised machinery, and the machinery that is used must be versatile and able
to make for stock as each order will be different from previous orders and from future ones
It is unusual for an organisation to be able
to cope with varying work
Job production is usually
very technically competent
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) This minimum wage increase also applies to wage schedules produced by reference to schedules adjusted pursuant to wage surveys B) ASSA is a common acronym for Tax Exempt Special Savings Account
А-true, В-false
А- false, В- false
А- false, В- true
А- true, В- true
There is a clear line or chain _______ command running down the pyramid
Like sole proprietors, _______ have unlimited liability and there are no special legal requirements. Professional people such as doctors, accountants and solicitors often form partnerships
Most organizations have a hierarchical or pyramidal structure, _______ one person or a group of people at the top, and an increasing number of people below them at each successive level
Correspond the left and right parts
His primary technical function is to control
director and because of the strength of his authority it is essential that the chairman and the managing director work in harmony
Indeed, the offices are sometimes combined, especially in the smaller concern, and one person occupies the position of
and advice are most valuable
He is therefore able to devote all his energies to those problems that concern top management, such as policy-making, where his expertise
chairman and managing director
Because of the great responsibilities carried by the managing
and regulate the proceedings at board meetings, but as head of the organisation he should have the capacity to lead the management team in a positive fashion and to stimulate them to develop new approaches to management problems
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) A powerful union, particularly where there is a clothes shop can perpetuate and intensify restrictive practices unnecessarily B) An example would be the insistence on a qualified electrician to change the job
А- false, В- true
А- false, В- false
А- true, В- true
A-true, В-false
Choose the right preposition: This is especially the case in local and central government and _______ the publicly owned industries. Such unionisation brings some benefits and some disadvantages to the organisation
Choose two possible answers: There is only a statement that the registered office is _______ in England
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: In the 1960s, a big wave of takeovers in the US (to create) conglomerates – collections of unrelated businesses combined into a single corporate structure
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Unfortunately incentive schemes are frequently a source of mistrust and unrest through disputes about standards of performance and rates for the job B) Clerical and managerial workers are always very susceptible to union influence
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- true
А- false, В- false
А-true, В-false
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: It is also essential that the reports and recommendations made by these joint consultative committees are seen to be (to give) due weight by management
Correspond the left and right parts
Where jobs of high value and extended time-span are the rule problems are often experienced with financing the projects, especially in view of the high labour content which means that large
can be introduced into the product, and the processes are extremely capital intensive
Continuity of work for both labour and equipment depends, therefore, on effective marketing and under this heading
must be included competitive tendering
Little or no individuality
sums for wages have to be regularly found
Correspond the left and right parts
The notice of the
an AGM to be held in that year
Every board of directors must have
he is a member
However, the chairman is elected not by the shareholders but by the board of directors, of which
a chairman and by virtue of this office he is also chairman of the company
Any member may, by giving notice to the company not later than three months before the end of the year in which an AGM should have been held but for the opting out, require
meeting must say that it is the annual general meeting
Sometimes a private limited company _______ a Public limited company, which must put the letters plc after its name
The shareholders _______ the owners of the company and elect the Board of Directors who control it
All the people in the organization know what decisions they are able to make, who their superior (or boss) is (to whom they report), and who _______ immediate subordinates are (to whom they can give instructions)
Chose three possible answers: To achieve these _______ the board has to formulate a policy which it considers will best serve to attain its goals
Correspond the left and right parts
He does this by adding a stock quantity to the ordered quantity. One of the most difficult problems in batch production is, in fact, this
producing sufficient quantity to make the run profitable
At no time, however, can the user of batch production methods compete
in price with mass-produced items
A manufacturer using batch production will set up a production run when orders for a particular item are received, but has the problem of making the run economically viable; in other words
one of deciding what is the economic batch size
Put the verb in brackets in the right form:All manner of topics may be (to raise) with such committees from safety to discipline, from welfare to training
Chose three possible answers: He is in a _______ position to bring these problems to the attention of the board, where necessary, for their advice and possible action
Chose three possible answers: Thereafter, their tenure of office is as _______ in the articles, which ensure that at regular intervals a stated proportion of the board must resign and offer themselves for re-election at the next annual general meeting
laid down
Correspond the left and right parts
If the directors do not call a meeting within 21 days of the date of depositing the requisition, the requisitionists, or the majority in value of them, may call the meeting within three months
registered office of the company
To prevent the directors
from convening (i.e. calling) the meeting to be held on a long distant date so that the members’ desire to discuss urgent matters is defeated, the directors are not deemed to have duly convened a meeting if they convene it for more than 28 days after the date of the notification
The requisition must state the objects of the meeting, be signed by the requisitionists, and deposited at the
of the date of the deposit of the requisition
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) The articles together with the memorandum when registered are not yet a contract which binds the company and its members as if signed and sealed by each member B) It contains the shareholders’ rights and the amount of shares; regulations and procedures on general meeting and the list of the directors and their rights and duties
А- false, В- true
А- true, В- true
А-true, В-false
А- false, В- false
Correspond the left and right parts
So far as it’s possible he must be detached and unbiased in his deliberations. This is difficult to achieve when a person has executive responsibilities and is thus constantly in contact
the member of the board most in the public eye and must therefore present a suitable public image that encourages confidence both in the company and in himself
Consultation between chairman and managing director on many matters is often helpful and fruitful because the chairman can be detached
may prove equally attractive to the board
He is usually chosen because of his knowledge and experience of the industry within which the organization operates, though a proven record of success elsewhere
from the problem and can offer unbiased advice based on independent experience
If the enterprise is a major one the chairman will be
with the day-to-day operations of the concern
Correspond the left and right parts
The requisition must state the objects of the meeting, be signed by the requisitionists, and deposited at the
of the paid up share capital on which all calls due have been paid the right to requisition an extraordinary general meeting
Any member may, by giving notice to the company not later than three months before the end of the year in which an AGM should have been held but for the opting out, require
than the annual general meeting are extraordinary general meetings. They may be called by the directors at any time
All general meetings other
an AGM to be held in that year
Holders of not less than one tenth
registered office of the company
Choose two possible answers: Once you _______. a joint-stock company, you need to prepare its Memorandum of Association, which must contain the following clauses
set up
For example, a product manager with an idea might be able to deal directly with managers responsible for a certain market _______. and for a geographical region, as well as the managers responsible for the traditional functions of finance, sales and production
Correspond the left and right parts
Because of the great responsibilities carried by the managing
the avoidance of divided opinions at the top, there are two important reasons for not combining these two offices
The task of the chairman is very onerous
chairman and managing director
Indeed, the offices are sometimes combined, especially in the smaller concern, and one person occupies the position of
and requires a good deal of time devoted to it, particularly in considering matters coming up for discussion at board meetings
Whilst this may result in
director and because of the strength of his authority it is essential that the chairman and the managing director work in harmony
They come into Apple, and instead of _______ all fired up about something, they go through one or two reorgs and get disorientated
Chose three possible answers: As the chief executive he _______ a link between the board and his fellow managers, and to him falls the responsibility for seeing that management carries out the policies and decisions of the board
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Businesses that cannot be divided into autonomous divisions with their own markets can not simulate decentralization B) Many banks, for example, have established commercial, corporate, private banking, international and investment divisions
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- true
А-true, В-false
А- false, В- false
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: On the other hand, the permanent threat of a takeover or a buyout is clearly a disincentive to long-term capital investment, as a company will (to lose) its investment if a raider tries to break it up as soon as its share price falls below expectations
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: As a general rule national level negotiations were (to carry) out which set the pattern for pay and conditions throughout a particular industry
Put the verb in brackets in the right form:In order to reduce disruption through industrial disputes it was historically the practice to (resort) to joint consultation
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Market leaders usually (to want) to increase their market share even further, or at least to protect their current market share
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Mass-produced products, which range from such items as breakfast cereals and paper products to motor-cars, are manufactured in advance of sales, and sales forecasting and marketing of a high order are essential for the success of the manufacturing enterprise B) Where the nature of the product is the result of formulations such as petro-chemical products, adhesives and jams, process production or continuous-flow process production are the terms normally used
А-true, В-false
А- false, В- false
А- false, В- true
А- true, В- true
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: One indication that the people who warn against takeovers might (to be) right is the existence of leveraged buyouts
They do not usually .. very large since they must obtain capital for expansion either from the profits or by borrowing from a bank
Correspond the left and right parts
Consultation between chairman and managing director on many matters is often helpful and fruitful because the chairman can be detached
opinions and two approaches is lost if the two offices are combined
There are two kinds of company general meeting: the annual general meeting (AGM)
with the day-to-day operations of the concern
So far as it’s possible he must be detached and unbiased in his deliberations. This is difficult to achieve when a person has executive responsibilities and is thus constantly in contact
and an extraordinary general meeting
The advantage of two
from the problem and can offer unbiased advice based on independent experience
Chose three possible answers: He has a dual _______, that of director on the board and that of chief executive
Chose three possible answers: The responsibilities of the board of directors fall into two general _______, legal and domestic
Choose two possible answers: Choosing the legal structure of the business is a _______ step in the decisions you will have to make
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: There is frequently also a market challenger, with the second-largest market share, which (can) attempt to increase its market share by attacking either the leader or some market followers
Most business organizations have a hierarchy consisting of several levels _______ a clear line of command
This means, for example, that the production and marketing departments cannot take financial _______ without consulting the finance department
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) The amount of money available for investing in a business can be increased by forming a partnership of at least two people, who all contribute capital to the business and share the profit in agreed proportions B) Like sole proprietors, partnerships have unlimited liability and there are no special legal requirements
А- false, В- true
А-true, В-false
А- true, В- true
А- false, В- false
Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) An example of stock production is the stock-piling of motor-cars when sales are low. This situation can continue indefinitely B) In the case of domestic consumables, such as washing-powders, attempts are made to stimulate sales by a variety of means including ‘special offers’, competitions and free gifts
А- false, В- false
А- true, В- true
А-true, В-false
А- false, В- true
Some people in an organization have colleagues who help _______: for example, there might be an Assistant to the Marketing Manager