Английский язык (10 класс)
Дополните предложения:
For instance, before she will consent to marry him,
also frequently related to economic factors.
This practice of like marrying like
is known as homogamy.
Mate selection is
a woman may want her intended husband to show that he is capable of supporting her.
Дополните предложения:
Its definition depends
mainly but by no means exclusively, toward family organization in Western societies.
For the purposes of the following discussion,
the “modern family” may be taken generally to refer to family organization as it has existed since the early 20th century.
Special concern is directed,
on the contrasts and comparisons to be made.
Вставьте пропущенное местоимение: Mother said to me: "Who has brought ____ parcel?"
Укажите значение модального глагола в предложении: She can translate this article without a dictionary.
Замените подчеркнутое слово местоимением: Parents are recommended not to use television as an electronic babysitter.
Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол: It was not necessary for you to remind me about her birthday. I remember the date very well. – You ____ not have reminded me about it.
Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол: There was no necessity for her to do it herself. – She________ not have done it herself.
Выберите подходящий по смыслу глагол в нужной грамматической форме: Prices ... by five per cent this year.
have gone up
Wake up
Has gone up
Has woken up
Расположите предложения так, чтобы получился законченный текст:
In June 2005, the media arm of state-controlled energy giant Gazprom bought a majority stake, and although some observers saw the paper adopting a clear pro-Kremlin line, its new owners said the changes were driven by commercial considerations.
In May 2008, Gazprom sold its majority stake on to the SOGAZ insurance company. SOGAZ is part of a group controlled by the St Petersburg-based Bank Rossiya, whose co-owner, Yuriy Kovalchuk, is widely reported to be a close associate of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
The Izvestia daily at one time enjoyed a reputation as Russia's paper of record. Popular during the Soviet era, it continued to enjoy wide readership in the 1990s, while remaining a particular favourite among intellectuals and academics.
Замените подчеркнутое слово местоимением: Parents should also make sure that there are no screens of any sorts in the children's bedrooms.
Расположите предложения таким образом, чтобы получился связный текст:
The borough lies on the north bank of the River Thames between the Temple Bar memorial pillar (commemorating the old Temple Bar gate) and the base of Tower Hill.
The City Corporation is Britain's oldest local government; it has the statusof a county, with powers that exceed those of London's 32 other boroughs (collectively called Greater London), notably the control of its own police force.
City of London is a municipal corporation and borough, London. Sometimes called the “Square Mile,” it is one of the 33 boroughs that make up London, the capital of the United Kingdom.
Верны ли соответствия? А) go away – be interested В) come up - give
А - да, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
А - да, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол: Children ___ borrow books from the school library.
Замените подчеркнутое слово местоимением: Even programs specially made for the very young, can stunt development and intellect unless the parent sits and watches with the child, explaining what is going on.
Расположите числительные в следующем порядке: количественное числительное – порядковое числительное – дробное числительное
One and a half
Верны ли соответствия? А) 1,000 - a (one) thousand В) 1,001 - a (one) thousand and one
А - да, В - да
А - нет, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
А - да, В - нет
Выберите подходящий по смыслу глагол в нужной грамматической форме: The others were walking so fast that it was difficult ....
Wake up
Keeps up
to keep up
Has woken up
Верны ли соответствия? А) ask for – play the piano В) look down on … – consider inferior
А - да, В - да
А - да, В - нет
А - нет, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
Расположите предложения таким образом, чтобы получился связный текст:
Frequently the family is not differentiated from the marriage pair, but the essence of the family group is the parent-childrelationship, which may be absent from many marriage pairs.
Marriage defines the procedures for establishing and terminating the husband-wife relation, as well as the reciprocal obligations and the accepted restrictions upon its personnel.
In its institutional aspects the family is also frequently confused with the institution of marriage, the complex of customs regulating the sexual relations between the cohabiting pair of adults within the family group.
Расположите предложения таким образом, чтобы получился связный текст:
In some societies young people go out with mixed-sex groups before they begin dating.
But in other countries the practice of dating emerges from the same-sex group phase, as individual young people meet and pair off.
Eventually the same-sex groups come into contact with similar groups of the opposite sex at social occasions.
Укажите слова, которые выполняют в предложении функцию подлежащего: In the 13th century the university(1) gained added strength, particularly in theology, with the establishment of several religious orders, principally Dominicans and Franciscans, in the town of Oxford(2). The university had no buildings in its early years; lectures were given in hired halls or churches. The various colleges(3) of Oxford were originally merely endowed boardinghouses for impoverished scholars. They(4) were intended primarily for masters or bachelors of arts who needed financial assistance to enable them to continue study for a higher degree.The earliest of these colleges, University College, was founded in 1249. Balliol College was founded about 1263, and Merton College in 1264.
Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя сложное дополнение с инфинитивом: I know that he is a great scientist. - I know him _______ a great scientist.
Расположите части так, чтобы получилось предложение:
to "provide the business community
The paper's stated mission is
with the prompt, good-quality and useful information needed to take decisions".
Укажите предложения, в которых вместо пропуска можно использовать фразовый глагол let (him) into:
We trusted him so we (him)... our secret.
My secretary will ...the details.
It’s time to ...the Christmas decorations.
I don’t think we should ...(him) our plan. I don’t trust him.
Верны ли соответствия? А) 1 1/2 - one and a half В)1/3 - two and a (one) third
А - нет, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
А - да, В - нет
А - да, В - да
Замените подчеркнутое слово местоимением: British pediatricians approved of the advice.
Установите соответствие:
beat up –
throw … into (prison) –
force someone to go into prison
think over –
hit or kick someone and hurt them badly
Расположите предложения таким образом, чтобы получился связный текст:
It requires a readjustment of roles as people become not only husband and wife to each other but also parents to the newborn child.
Childbirth, of course, is a biologic fact, but it is equally a social phenomenon.
The birth of subsequent children can have equally considerable restructuring effects on the family, including a change in roles for the older children.
Вставьте пропущенное местоимение: Father said to Jane: "Show me ________ exercise-book."
Укажите предложения, в которых вместо пропуска можно использовать фразовый глагол put into:
It’s time to ...the Christmas decorations.
Do you think she’ll ..(more money) the business?
My secretary will ....the details.
It’s difficult to (my ideas)... words.
Вставьте пропущенное местоимение: Helen said to Pete: "Did you play chess with _______ father yesterday?"
Установите соответствие:
be off –
be at home
be on –
be taking place
be in –
(off food) have gone bad
Выберите подходящий по смыслу глагол в нужной грамматической форме: The police haven’t got much information ....
Goes on
to give back
to go on
Give back
Выберите подходящую форму причастия: We listened to the girls ________ Russian folk songs.
Дополните предложения:
Marriage defines the procedures for establishing and terminating
the marriage pair, but the essence of the family group is the parent-childrelationship, which may be absent from many marriage pairs.
In its institutional aspects the family is also frequently confused
with the institution of marriage, the complex of customs regulating the sexual relations between the cohabiting pair of adults within the family group.
Frequently the family is not differentiated from
the husband-wife relation, as well as the reciprocal obligations and the accepted restrictions upon its personnel.
Расположите части так, чтобы получилось предложение:
living in the capital, who form its core readership.
focuses on issues of interest to people
Much of the paper's reporting
Установите соответствие:
ask out –
ask someone to come in
back away –
retreat, move backwards
ask in –
ask someone to go out with you
Вставьте пропущенное местоимение: Kate said to_______ grandmother: "Help me to cook the soup, please."
Установите соответствие:
1/3 0.01 - nought point nought one или
a (one) half
two thirds
1/2 0.1 - nought point one или point one
a (one) third
Дополните предложения:
Prior to the 20th century,
in her parental home and bring gifts, discuss common interests, and perhaps go for walks.
In its strictest sense courtship
usually refers to an activity, such as dating, with intent to marry.
A young man might visit his intended bride
and still today in some societies, courtship was practiced without dating in the modern sense.
Дополните предложения:
Individuals often claim that their match is made on the basis of love,
within their social class and often to those of the same ethnic group or religion.
Usually the mate is the person's intended spouse,
and the traditional definition of the term has this implication.
For example, people usually marry
but statistical studies show that other factors are involved.
Установите соответствие:
aim at … –
add up to … –
result in a total of
account for … –
try to affect or influence certain people
Замените подчеркнутое слово местоимением: Cigarettes and alcohol are shown as cool and attractive.
Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужную форму: He was very (to cut) up when his dog died.
Укажите слова, которые выполняют в предложении функцию подлежащего: Sketchy evidence(1) indicates that schools existed at Oxford(2) by the early 12th century. By the end of that century a university(3) was well established, perhaps resulting from the barring of English students from the University of Paris about 1167. Oxford(4) was modeled on the University of Paris, with initial faculties of theology, law, medicine, and the liberal arts.
Установите соответствие:
1/2 ton
three quarters of a kilometre
2/3 ton
two thirds of a ton
3/4 kilometre
half a ton
Вставьте пропущенное местоимение: I asked _____ uncle: "How long did you stay in the Crimea?"