ПКВЯз АНГЛ Практикум по аналитическому чтению и письменной речи

Выберите правильный вариант: Many Christmas traditions come from earlier times and other cultures.
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Выберите возможные варианты: The Mississippi together with the Missouri form the longest river in the world (7,300 km).
Выберите правильный вариант: There is a law in Washington against building structures higher than the Capitol; therefore it presents different appearance from New York with its sky-scrapers.
Укажите функцию выделенного слова в предложении: This pompous military display strikes, however, a discordant note in the framework of a festival devoted entirely to arts.
Выберите правильный вариант: Major highlands are the Appalachian Mountains in the east and the Rocky Mountains in the west.
Выберите правильный вариант: The post-war years have seen a great growth in the number of arts festivals in Britain and other European countries.
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Заполните пропуск: West of the Rocky Mountains we find the State ________ California.
Выберите правильный вариант: The largest among them are the Colorado and the Columbia rivers.
Выберите правильный вариант: When November 5th comes, many people feel that they should give their dog a sedative, for some dogs get very nervous when they hear loud bangs, and the evening of Guy Fawkes’ Day is sure to be noisy if there are children living in the neighbourhood in England.
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Выберите правильный вариант: Such pleasant proofs of devotion are not yet quite extinct, and the hand-written and hand-painted Valentine can still be seen occasionally though its verses are now rarely original.
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Выберите правильный вариант: Hawaii, which became the 50th state in 1959, is situated in the Pacific Ocean halfway between the west-coast states and the Far East.
Укажите функцию выделенного слова в предложении: The name of the holiday (e.g. Confederate Memorial Day) goes on the calendar (last Monday in April) for a state (Alabama, Mississippi), yet this does not mean that businesses are always closed or children let out of school.
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) There are torchlight processions and pageantry, with official Bonfire Societies to help with the various displays. B) The traditional tar barrel is still a feature, but it now ends its fiery career safely in the river. Подберите правильный ответ
А - да, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
А - да, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
Заполните пропуск: If it reached the bottom unscathed, the owner could expect good luck in the future, but ________ it was broken, misfortune would follow before the year was out.
Выберите правильный вариант: It could be a serious matter, leading to matrimony, or it could be a kind of game.
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Выберите правильный вариант: It is true that nothing whatever is known about St. Valentine that would suggest such a patronage.
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Выберите правильный вариант: The carnival is noted for the many thousands of “squibs” which are used.
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Выберите возможные варианты: For over a hundred years New York has been the nation's leading financial and commercial center. It is also the center of fashion, theater and culture.
Выберите правильный вариант: Bank holidays are not statutory public holidays, but their observance is no longer limited to banks.
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Укажите функцию выделенного слова в предложении: One of the items on the programme was the Florence Opera, which performed four operas including, very appropriately, Donizetti’s Maria Stuarta.
Выберите правильный вариант: Most of these holidays are of religious origin, though it would be true to say that for the greater part of the population they have long lost their religious significance and are simply days on which people relax, eat, drink and make merry.
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Заполните пропуск: Its founders had many difficulties to face, not the least ________ them being the fact that this was something.
Выберите правильный вариант: The mountains are crossed by streams which flow through deep canyons and fall into the Pacific Ocean.
Заполните пропуск: All over Europe rationing and restrictions were the order ________ the day, and hundreds of towns lay in ruins.
Выберите правильный вариант: The term bank holiday applies also to Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Easter Monday, New Year’s Day and May Day and dates back to the 19th century when by the Bank Holiday Act of 1871 and a supplementary act of 1875 these days as well as the Monday in Whit week and the first Monday in August, August Bank Holiday, were constituted bank holidays, i. e. days on which banks were to be closed.
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Заполните пропуск: Similarly, at Connel Ferry in Argyllshire, where it was customary for young men to roll their eggs in one place, and for young women to roll theirs in another, the man or girl whose egg went farthest and most smoothly would ________ the first person to marry in that particular group.
Выберите правильный вариант: In the Roman Martyrology there are two martyrs of that name, one a Roman priest who perished in A.D. 269, the other an Umbrian bishop who was executed in A.D. 273.
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) About 44 years later oil was found there. And again people came, but few of them found the riches they were looking for, as it had been taken away by those who had come in the twenties of this century when they were drawn from their Oklahoma or Texas homes. B) The capital of the United States is Washington. Подберите правильный ответ
А - нет, В - нет
А - да, В - да
А - да, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
Выберите возможные варианты: The northern part of the USA embraces the region of the five Great Lakes (Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario) which are connected by natural channels cut by rapids.
Соедините части предложений:
Easter is also a time when certain old traditions are observed, whether it
recovered (and probably never will) the enormous popularity of its Victorian hey-day.
Both types fell into disfavor together,
and it was not until the thirties of the present century that the romantic Valentine came back into fashion.
Today it is once more quite well known and used by many young people all over the country, though it has not yet
is celebrated as the start of spring or religious festival.
Заполните пропуск: Edinburgh ________ indeed Scotland had never previously known.
Выберите правильный вариант: Until very recently, children used to go about singing.
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) There is an extremely well-organized celebration at Winchester, Hampshire. B) College students and many other organizations in the city prepare elaborate guys, for which prizes is awarded. Подберите правильный ответ
А - нет, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
А - да, В - да
А - да, В - нет
Выберите правильный вариант: George Washington chose the place located midway to keep at close touch as possible between the states.
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) It was named in honour of the first President whose name was George Washington. B) The population of Washington are over 3 million. Подберите правильный ответ
А - нет, В - да
А - да, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
А - да, В - нет
Выберите правильный вариант: The Guy Fawkes Carnival held at Bridgewater, Somerset, on the Thursday nearest to November 5th, is believed to date back unbroken except for the war years, to the original event in 1605.
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Выберите правильный вариант: It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the East, and by the Pacific Ocean in the West.
Ладожское море
Тихий океан
Средиземное море
Выберите правильный вариант: Interestingly enough the myth of the Norwegian god involves him flying across the sky in a chariot.
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Укажите функцию выделенного слова в предложении: Three eminent Italian conductors - Abbado, Erede, and Giulini conducted concerts with Italian music in them.
Выберите правильный вариант: Present-giving on this day was not confined to sweethearts.
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) The second best known museum are the Museum of Modern Art. B) Madison Square Garden, with a capacity of 18,900 people, have been the center of boxing, hockey and basketball events. Подберите правильный ответ
А - нет, В - да
А - да, В - да
А - да, В - нет
А - нет, В - нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) The best known of the more than 30 museums in the city is the Metropolitan Museum of Art. B) Its magnificent collection of European and American painting contains the works of many of the greatest masters of world art. Подберите правильный ответ
А - да, В - да
А - нет, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
А - да, В - нет
Выберите правильный вариант: Today Washington is a city which attracts a lot of tourists by its fashionable hotels, restaurants and sightseeing, the Lincoln Memorial, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the White House and others.
Заполните пропуск: Fifth Avenue starts at the Washington Arch. The avenue continues straight uptown and divides Manhattan streets ________ east and west.
Выберите возможные варианты: In 1834, in order to hide the marks of the fire, the brown stone walls of the president's home were painted white - and it has been the "White House" ever since.
Выберите возможные варианты: These rivers are unsuitable for navigation. They are cut by rapids, and so serve as an immense source of electric power.
Выберите правильный вариант: Another train of thought identifies Father Christmas with an old Germanic goddess Helda.
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Выберите правильный вариант: They were given money, fruit, or in some districts, specially-made cakes known as Valentine Buns.
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Заполните пропуск: After 110th Street it passes through Harlem and slum tenements ________ the Harlem River.
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) The south-eastern part of the state have miles of light brown sand dunes like those of the Sahara. B) Go over to the mountains to the west and you come into the garden and fruit country which attracted a lot of people since the gold rush in 1848. Подберите правильный ответ
А - да, В - да
А - нет, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
А - да, В - нет