Англ. Деловой иностранный язык (магистр)

Выберите возможные варианты: There are teens with rich parents, that give them money and expensive things. Envy and the desire _________ the same things can push teenagers to committing a crime and it leads to juvenile delinquency.
to possess
to have
Подберите эквиваленты:
training schedule
основа ч-л
certificate of the state standard
сдача выпускных экзаменов
passing-out examinations/ finals
аттестат государственного образца
the basis of
учебный график
Выберите возможные варианты: A teacher must be competent, intelligent, _________; he must love and understand children.
Выберите возможные варианты: Different TV programs and magazines for the young come to help _________, give a piece of advice. In case of need you can also dial a special telephone number, the so-called 'telephone of trust'.
Подберите эквиваленты:
basic education program
сдача выпускных экзаменов
учреждения отдыха и оздоровления детей
recreational facilities and health of children
passing-out examinations/ finals
основная образовательная программа
Выберите возможные варианты: One more wrong model of upbringing is when parents are too caring, they try to protect a child from all the difficulties and give him everything he _________. (to ask)
Выберите возможные варианты: All the people in Russia have the right to education. Our country needs qualified specialists, well-trained workers and, _________, people of high intellectual potential.
on the whole
the whole off
on whole of
Подберите эквиваленты:
intellectual potential of the nation
вовлеченность детей; детей (в чем-л. - in; with)
passing-out examinations/ finals
сдача выпускных экзаменов
involvement of children
интеллектуальный потенциал нации
Выберите возможные варианты: On the Day of Knowledge pupils go on excursions to plants and factories, to the universities, libraries, museums and many other different places _________ practical use of knowledge in our country.
for to see
for seen
Seen off
to see
Выберите возможные варианты: In 1984 _________ September 1 was proclaimed National Day of Knowledge.
first of all times
at first time
for the first time
Употребите глагол в скобках в нужной форме: Nursery children who are three years old are _________ to as ante-pre-school whilst children who are four years old are termed pre-school. (to refer)
Выберите возможные варианты: The GTC regulates the conduct and competence of teachers _________ this code.
according with off
in accordance with
in accordance to
according to
Выберите возможные варианты: A trimester system divides the academic year into three terms, roughly 14 - 16 weeks _____.
each one
Every time
each ones
Подберите эквиваленты:
individual nature
нарушитель порядка
to nurture
неотъемлемая часть образовательного процесса
an essential part of the education process
своя природа/натура
Выберите возможные варианты: In Southern Hemisphere _________, this means that the academic year lasts from February or March to November or December.
City life
Вставьте подходящий предлог: The ministry oversees Institute of Higher Education Of Russia, the State educational establishment ("training center of training leaders"), Center of the testing, National Information Center ________ Academic Recognition and Mobility.
Употребите глагол в скобках в нужной форме: In the UK, pre-school education in nursery classes or schools _______ fully funded by local government (although not widely available) for children aged over three. (to be)
Подберите эквиваленты:
background knowledge
quality and quantity
обязательное образование
obligatory education
количество и качество
фоновые/ нераскрытые знания
Подберите эквиваленты:
cognitive activity
робкий, неуклюжий
obligatory education
преступность несовершеннолетних
juvenile delinquency
обязательное образование
познавательная деятельность
Употребите глагол в скобках в нужной форме: Many of the activities developed by Fröbel are also ________ around the world under other names. (to use)
Подберите эквиваленты:
obligatory education
good-natured/ kind-hearted
умения, навыки, практический опыт
обязательное образование
Подберите эквиваленты:
moral education
развитие сенсорики
an essential part of the education process
гуманизация дошкольного воспитания
humanization of preschool
неотъемлемая часть образовательного процесса
sensory development
нравственное воспитание
Подберите эквиваленты:
structural arrangement
воспитательный процесс
educational process
организационные мероприятия
Вспомните, с какой частицей употребляется в этом значении фразовый глагол: The Ministry of education and science of Russia is a federal body of executive power, which carries _______ functions on elaborating state policy and normative-lawful regulation in the sphere of education, scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activity, nanotechnologies, intellectual property, and also in the sphere of upbringing, social support and social protection of schoolchildren and pupils of educational institutions.
Употребите глагол в скобках в нужной форме: A child who didn’t have caring, responsive and sympathetic parents will become timid and suspicious. Non-interference can also _________ to juvenile delinquency or it might simply make children self-centered (эгоистичный), without any consideration for others. (to lead)
Вставьте подходящий предлог: What is one of the directions ________ the national project "Education"?
Выберите возможные варианты: Children of elementary classes are normally separated from _________ within their own floor of a school building. They are taught, ideally, by a single teacher through all four elementary grades (except for physical training and, if available, foreign languages); 98.5% of elementary school teachers are women.
other classes
Выберите возможные варианты: The result of the educative process is the capacity for further education._________ the students of secondary schools have opportunities to continue their education by entering gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges.
Present moment
At present
Now days
Образуйте вопросительное предложение: What things do sociologists know that other people _______ not know?
Вставьте подходящий предлог: Besides, training of teachers for work in the Internet is maintained on the basis of regional institutions ________ raising qualification.
Употребите глагол в скобках в нужной форме: The primary task of this direction of the national project was not just the connection of schools to the Internet, but _________ access for schoolchildren and teachers on all the territory of Russia to the modern informative educational resources. (to provide)
Выберите возможные варианты: In 1984 for the first time September 1 was proclaimed National Day of Knowledge. This is because knowledge in Russia is very important for those who _________ and especially for those who teach.
Вставьте подходящее притяжательное местоимение: In Scotland children are entitled to a place in a nursery class when they reach ________ third birthday.
Употребите глагол в скобках в нужной форме: Besides, with appearance of free access to the Internet, in schools new and unique opportunities for teachers _________ their level, search and usage of new methods and instruments of teaching in the educational process, additional educational and methodical and visual aids have appeared, which has led to the significant increase of availability to the qualitative education. (to raise)
Подберите эквиваленты:
to put smb on his good behaviour
организационные мероприятия
structural arrangement
дать человеку возможность исправиться
Выберите возможные варианты: In Northern Hemisphere countries, it lasts from August or September _________ May, June or July instead.
Untill tomorrow
At night
Подберите эквиваленты:
emotional well-being
неотъемлемая часть образовательного процесса
voluntary or independent
волевое развитие
volitional development
добровольный или независимый
an essential part of the education process
эмоциональное благополучие
Подберите эквиваленты:
an awareness
ценность образования
structural arrangement
профессиональные обязанности
professional duties
организационные мероприятия
education value
Вставьте подходящий предлог: By creating access for children to the "virtual space" at schools, the society, at first, ensures equal educational opportunities ________ all children.
Подберите эквиваленты:
codes of conduct and practice
стандарты обучения
passing-out examinations/ finals
качество обучения
the quality of learning
сдача выпускных экзаменов
standards of teaching
кодексы поведения и практики
Выберите возможные варианты: A semester system divides the academic year into two terms, roughly 16–18 weeks _________.
each term
each ones
Every day
Выберите возможные варианты: Generally in Canada, high schools run on a two-semester arrangement, _________ as fall and spring semester, the first semester starting from September to mid-January and the second running from early February until June.
also known
Употребите глагол в скобках в нужной форме: There are many similarities and differences among teachers around the world. A teacher’s role may _________ among nations and cultures. (to vary)
Выберите возможные варианты: Children of elementary classes are _________ separated from other classes within their own floor of a school building.
Never already
Вставьте нужный предлог: Sociology (the word comes from Latin soci[etas]) is a science about human society in the process of its development, transformation, management ______ different levels of a social system.
Подберите эквиваленты:
passing-out examinations/ finals
подавать заявления
школьная администрация
school administration
to apply
сдача выпускных экзаменов
Употребите глагол в скобках в нужной форме: Some parents think it is good for children to be _________ to run wild without control or supervision. (to allow)
Выберите возможные варианты: The role of foreign languages is also increasing today. _________ the knowledge of foreign languages one can read books, magazines in the original, talk to foreigners, translate various technical articles.
Thanks to
Due to
Due of
Подберите эквиваленты:
sufficient nursery education
неотъемлемая часть образовательного процесса
compulsory education
приспособления для развития детей
child-minding facilities
обязательное образование
an essential part of the education process
достаточное детское образование
Подберите эквиваленты:
a level of training
специальное или профессионально-техническое училище
to unload graduates
достоверность результатов
reliability of the results
разгрузить выпускников
a specialized secondary or vocational school
уровень подготовки