ПКОЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение

“ scarce” means
appearing or occurring again or periodically
not plentiful; not sufficient to meet the demand
lying down, reclining, leaning
silly, foolish or crazy
“ to bother” means
to worry or trouble, esp. with pretty annoyances; harass
to repair or patch clumsily
to move forward slowly but steadily, as if by boring
to force (one’s way), as through a crowd
The next year there were many…
“elaborate” means
designating or of mental images that are unusually vivid and almost photographically exact
viewing everything in relation to oneself; self-centered
worked out carefully; developed in great detail; complicated; highly ornamented
able to spring back to its original size, shape, or position after being stretched
In the dark the flood looked … The water swirled and it was wide.
It was … when the priest came in.
“ vile” means
ruin by defects, flows or errors
vigorous; energetic
quivering or vibrating, esp. in such a way as to produce sound
morally base or evil; wicked; depraved; sinful
“ to pound” means
to cut off or cut short
to cause to flow in a continuous stream
to put into a pot
to beat heavily; throb
Who did not believe the war was over?
the soldiers
The plain was rich with … .
oak trees
“ stove” is
a piece or strip of wood
an anecdote or joke
a wind-blown dust
an apparatus using fuel or electricity for heating the room, for cooking, etc.
… was still a great joke at the mess.
the major
the priest
At the start of the winter came the permanent rain and with the rain came the … .
The Brigade had received orders that …. should be held no matter what happened.
San Gabriele
the line of the Bainsizza
the line of Caporetto
the line of Abruzzi
Federico said that … are a wonderful little people, fond of dancing and light red wines.
the French
the Japanese
the Americans
the Italians
“steep” means
eating only a limited variety of foods
able to withstand only a limited range of variations in environmental conditions
having a sharp rise or highly inclined slope
leading; chief
When the narrator came back to the front it was … .
warm and like the spring
cold and like the winter
calm and peacefully
dank and like the autumn
His hair was grey and he was short and fat. Whose description is it?
the lieutenant-colonel’s
one of the carabinieri
“to undo” means
to take off the clothing of; strip
to cause to move in waves
to release or untie (a fastening); to open a parcel, door, etc.
to remove financial controls from (prices, a raw material, etc.)
“stuffy” means
dark or gloomy
poorly ventilated; having little fresh air; close
fresh and full of air
physically strong; vigourous; hardy
Mr. Guttingen had been … .
a head-waiter
a taxi-driver
a sailor
a doctor
“to fortify” means
to give shape or form to
to come together into; organize into
to create out of separate elements
to strengthen against attack, as by building or furnishing with forts, walls, etc.
It was strange for Federico to go up the slope where the … had been, beyond the place on the river where he had been wounded.
The … were coming into the post, some were carried on stretchers, some walking and some were brought on the backs of men that came across the field.
The narrator lived …
at the expense of his wife
by the money the Italian government paid him
by sight drafts
by his own savings
“ to bait” means
to confuse so as to keep from understanding or solving; puzzle
to tease or goad, esp. so as to provoke a reaction
to make dry and hard by heat
to remove water from ( a boat)
“wrecked” means
deeply distressed or unhappy
not in accordance with justice, law, morality
full of wrong, unjust or injurious
destroyed or damaged badly
At the far end of the bridge there were …. standing on both sides flashing lights.
British Ambulances
officers and carabinieri
German tanks
“to stir” means
to restrict or limit to a certain quantity, number
to incline specifically in the terms of an agreement, contract, etc.
to move, shake, agitate etc., esp. slightly
to paint, draw, engrave, or apply in small points or dots rather than in lines or solid areas
“ to shove down” means
to behave in a manner intended to attract attention
to bring or put in sight or view
to push roughly or hastily
to open ( a house, apartment, etc.) to prospective buyers or renters
… was going to Milan too .
the priest
the major
“to smash” means
to strike or attack with powerful or disastrous effect
to move very rapidly, esp. so as to raise dust
to feel mental distress or irritation, as in resentment, remorse, etc.
to ruin completely; break into pieces
“ to put down” means
to write down; record
to present for consideration, decision, etc.
to reserve for later use
to translate
The narrator had expected the Bainsizza to be ….
higher, more like a mountain
flatter, more like a plateau
razed to the ground
more civilized
Catherine and Federico … .
were not married yet
were married for four years and had two boys and two girls
were not going to get married at all
were married for two years and had a son
“to lie flat” means
to lie extended at a full length; to spread put smooth and level
to be dead
to lie naked
to live in a very expensive house
“ to trip” means
to stumble, esp. by catching the foot
to go for a journey
to spend idly; waste
to flow slowly in a thin stream or fall in drops
Who won the fighting that summer
the Americans
the Italians
the Croats
the Austrians
“ to invigorate” means
to turn upside down
to search into so as to learn the facts; inquire into systematically
to monitor students during a written examination
to fill with energy; enliven; to give vigour to
Federico got a little boy to go for …, but he came back and said he could only get grappa.
a bottle of cognac
three bottles of cognac
a bottle of water
a sheaf of English papers
Gino said where it really had been hell was at … and the attack beyond Lom that had gone bad.
San Gabriele
The priest’s father was a famous …
The other carabinieri grabbed … from behind and pulled his arm up so that it twisted in the socket.
the lieutenant-colonel
one of the officer in the column
“ filthy” means
good-looking; fine
delicate; fragile
disgusting; dirty
“ to abandon” means
to feel hatred or disgust for
to remove, as by surgery
to decay little by little
to leave; forsake; desert
Federico and the others were side-tracked for a long time that side of Mestre and … came and peeked in.
the doctors
the soldiers
the nurses
the children
“ rotten” means
living or growing in woodlands
lacking refinement, elegance, polish or sophistication
eloquent; persuasive
very bad; unsatisfactory; nasty
“ to run errands” means
to search out the source
to include or insert as something additional
to pursue or follow
to carry out one’s commission
When the sun was bright Federico and Catherine ate lunch … .
on the porch of the house
right in the bed in their bedroom
in their living-room
in the parlor where Mr. and Mrs. Guttingen sold wine and beer
“ to feel low” means
to be healthy
to feel good
to feel sick
to feel sad