ПКОЯз. Англ. Практикум по культуре речевого общения

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the judiciary
исполнительная власть
common law
общее право
the executive
судебная власть
The trade union movement, which founded the ____________, remains influential in the evolution of the party policy.
Scottish National Party
Labour Party
Welsh National Party
Conservative Party
Раскройте скобки. If you go to New Plymouth you will see there a rock to which many tourists come to think of the first English settlers who (land) near that rock more than three hundred years ago.
Вставьте пропущенное слово. What three main __________ is the federal government of the US divided into?
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) I think I would be in favour of a monarchy of the sort you find in other countries in Northern Europe: in Scandinavia, in Holland, for example, perhaps in Belgium. В) Because those royal families set a good example.
А- нет, В- да
А- нет, В- нет
А- да, В- да
А- да, В- нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) In 1776 the thirteen young American colonies united and began a war against England for freedom and independence, which was called the War of Independence. В) They won the victory and a new nation was born which became the United States of America.
А- нет, В- нет
А- да, В- да
А- да, В- нет
А- нет, В- да
The automatic succession is summed up in the famous phrase ‘The King is dead; long ______ the King!’.
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the Anglo-Saxons
римляне (завоевавшие Британию в I —IV вв. н. э.)
the Normans
норманны («северные люди», викинги, вторгшиеся в Англию во главе с герцогом Нормандии Вильгельмом)
the Romans
англосаксы (общее название древнегерманских племен — англов, саксов, ютов и фризов, завоевавших в V—VI вв. Британию и образовавших в VII— X вв. одну народность)
The island was first inhabited by people who ________over the land bridge from the European mainland.
have crossed
The coronation service is traditionally conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury at ___________ in the presence of representatives of the Houses of Parliament.
Westminster Abbey
St. Paul’s Cathedral
Buckingham Palace
Соедините части предложений.
It explained why the Congress on July 2 “unanimously” by the votes of 12 colonies (with New York abstaining)
the day on which the Declaration of Independence was adopted, has always been celebrated in the United States as the great national holiday—the Fourth of July, or Independence Day.
The Declaration of Independence in U.S. history, document that was approved by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776,
and that announced the separation of 13 North American British colonies from Great Britain.
Accordingly, the day on which final separation was officially voted was July 2, although the 4th,
had resolved that “these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be Free and Independent States.”
Generally Congress goes along with the decisions of its committees. For a bill to become a law it must be
signed a Committee chairman
passed by the Senate
signed by Vice-President
passed by the House of Representatives
signed by President
Раскройте скобки. In 1789 he (become) the first president of the USA.
The Privy Council consists of
members of the royal family
the Archbishops
all senior ministers and ex-ministers
all MPs
Spanning nearly five centuries, it ________ often switched from a state of alliance to rivalry.
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Act of Settlement
парламентский акт
Privy Council
Тайный совет
Act of Parliament
Акт о престолонаследии
Вставьте пропущенное слово. What are the main countries of ________ U.K. and their capitals?
Among the ___________ are a Committee of Finance, of Foreign Relations, of Aeronautical Space Science, of Armed Services, etc., President Woodrow Wilson summed up the importance of the committees when he said, “Congress in its committee rooms is Congress at work.”
walking committees
sitting committees
standing committees
steering committees
____________ on Horse Guards Parade is the ceremony that takes place in June to celebrate the Sovereign’s official birthday.
Trooping the Flower
Trooping the Colour
Trooping the Crown Jewels
Trooping the Flag
_______ has been mentioned, the form of the Labour Party’s annual conference reflects the origins of the party as the political arm of the trade unions.
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the most underpopulated
городской район
озеро (в Шотландии)
urban district
наименее населенный
Раскройте скобки. Each session is (end) by prorogation.
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) She inherited her father's supremacist view of the monarchy, but showed great wisdom by refusing to directly antagonize Parliament. В) She acquired undying devotion from her advisement council, who were constantly perplexed by her habit of waiting to the last minute to make decisions.
А- да, В- нет
А- нет, В- нет
А- нет, В- да
А- да, В- да
The cartoonist Thomas Nast invented the Democratic __________as the party emblem.
Вставьте пропущенное слово. Among __________ more than 40% are lawyers (Senators — 62%).
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Британские острова
г. Эдинбург (столица Шотландии; крупный культурный центр)
the British Isles
Вставьте пропущенное слово. What way has the original text of the Constitution ________ changed?
Вставьте пропущенное слово. The Fourth of July is the day of ________ the Declaration of Independence.
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to be deprived of smth
“Билль о правах” (в Англии), первые 10 поправок к конституции США
to hold office
занимать пост, быть у власти (о партии)
The Bill of Rights
быть лишенным чего-либо
Вставьте пропущенное слово. ___________ is the largest, industrial and most densely-populated country of the U.K.?
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) Elizabeth proved the most calm and calculating, employed capable and distinguishing men to carrying out royal prerogative. В) Her first order of business was to eliminate religious unrest.
А- нет, В- да
А- да, В- да
А- нет, В- нет
А- да, В- нет
Вставьте пропущенное слово. Which countries of the U.K. occupy the two main___________?
The executive in the UK consists of __________________.
President- Speaker
the Government — Cabinet
government ministries
Speaker-Lord Cancellor
the monarch- president
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the Scots
валлийцы, уэльсцы (уроженцы Уэльса)
the English
the Welsh
Elizabeth was _________ master of political science.
Раскройте скобки. Soon he (become) a force in political life and in 1860 was elected President of the USA.
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чеканить деньги
to impose taxes
облагать налогами
to coin money
__________ the Constitution give any special rank to the husband of a Queen Regnant?
Раскройте скобки. Though Washington was sometimes hunted like a fox, he shared the cold and hunger of his (rag) troops.
Вставьте пропущенное слово. The Senate is stabler and more conservative __________ the House of Representatives, as many Senators are re-elected several times and often they are more experienced politicians.
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верховный апелляционный суд
Кабинет министров
Highest appeal court
частично совпадать
The Conservative Party has always been the party of the___________, identified with the idea of economic freedom and the existing social order.
The legislature in the UK consists of _____________.
House of Representatives
House of Lords
the monarch
House of Commons
Most people think that the Royal Family is _________ for tourism.
Вставьте пропущенное слово. Are ________ any representatives of American youth in Congress?
To speakers of Germanic languages, the Britons ________ called Welsh.
Вставьте пропущенное слово. The Speaker, ________ Vice-President in the Senate, may vote, but usually he does not do it, except in case of a tie-vote.
Local authorities play _________important part in encouraging the arts.
The House of Lords today consists of the
Lords of the Admiralty
Lords Spiritual
Lords of the Treasury
Lords Temporal
Lords of Appeal
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) Those early settlers built their first colonies and began to explore the new country which they called New England. В) As their settlements were called "colonies", the people called "colonists".
А- да, В- нет
А- нет, В- нет
А- нет, В- да
А- да, В- да