ПКОЯз. Англ. Практикум по культуре речевого общения

The party is highly disciplined, and its leader is accepted as the director of _________policies.
Раскройте скобки. Slavery (be) abolished in 1865 by the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Prince Consort fills an important role in the life of the nation, as does __________, Queen Elizabeth II’s husband.
the Duke of Cardiff
the Duke of Belfast
the Duke of London
the Duke of Edinburgh
Раскройте скобки. When George Washington arrived in Cambridge, he found an army without military (train) and set about drilling and training.
During the Grand Embassy of Peter I in 1697-1698, Czar Peter I of Russia visited Britain ______ three months.
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In 1066 the Normans,
one of them was East Anglia, the land where the Angles lived.
Some time later the people began to call the whole of the southern part of the country the Land of Angles (Angle Land),
which became England.
Several states were formed;
a people who came from the north of France, conquered England.
The main principle underlying the US Constitution was as follows: private property is the backbone of __________.
Unless the Congressmen are called in to vote for or against a bill, most of them seldom appear on the House _________.
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Not far from the Capitol is
therefore it presents different appearance from New York with its sky-scrapers.
Washington is not a very large city,
but it is very important as the capital of the USA.
There is a law in Washington against building structures higher than the Capitol;
the Library of Congress.
Раскройте скобки. The Indians came to their dinner and (bring) some wild turkeys as a present.
Вставьте пропущенное слово. ______ rich is the Queen?
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Act of Parliament
Act of Settlement
Акт о престолонаследии
парламентский акт
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The word 'jack' was in use before 1600
appeared in 1625.
When the flag was introduced in 1606, it was known simply
as "the British flag" or "the flag of Britain".
The first use of the name "Union"
to describe the maritime bow flag.
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Some of the Indian peoples had a highly developed culture
with large towns.
It was called America after Amerigo Vespucci,
a traveller who left a description of some places he had seen there.
There were great states
before the arrival of the Europeans.
In 1801, _________ a new Act of Union, this kingdom merged with the Kingdom of Ireland, over which the monarch of Great Britain had ruled.
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) Elizabeth lacking the fanaticism of her siblings, who enabled her to devise a compromise that, basically, reinstated Henrician reforms. В) She were, however, compelled to take a stronger pro-Protestant stance when events demanded it
А- да, В- нет
А- да, В- да
А- нет, В- нет
А- нет, В- да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) How does he compare monarchs and presidents? В) Which monarchies does he praise?
А- нет, В- да
А- да, В- нет
А- нет, В- нет
А- да, В- да
Раскройте скобки. In later years, civil rights were extended to women and black Americans, following much activism and (lobby) from members of these minority groups.
The purpose in creating life peerages was not merely to honour but also to enhance the quality of business done in the _________.
House of Representatives
House of Commons
House of Lords
Раскройте скобки. When winter came the life in New Plymouth became very hard and many of the settlers (die).
The present royal family belonged to ____________ until 1917 when, in the light of the First World War, it was considered more appropriate for the King to have an English rather than a German name.
the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
the House of York
the House of Lancaster
the House of Tudors
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) In 1620, a group of people left England in America. В) They had decided to make homes for themselves in the new land across the ocean.
А- нет, В- да
А- да, В- нет
А- нет, В- нет
А- да, В- да
Соедините части предложений.
It was called America after Amerigo Vespucci,
a new part of the world.
Some of the Indian peoples had a highly developed culture
before the arrival of the Europeans.
Not until later was it understood that Columbus had discovered
a traveller who left a description of some places he had seen there.
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Marshall Plan
НАТО, Североатлантический союз
Cold War
холодная война
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
план Маршалла
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) The situation came to head in 1588 after Elizabeth rejected a marriage proposal from Philip II of Spain. В) The indignant Spanish King sended his much-feared Armada to raid England, inadvertently providing Elizabeth with an opportunity to put on public display those qualities of heart that one might expected to find in those days, in a small, frail woman.
А- нет, В- да
А- нет, В- нет
А- да, В- нет
А- да, В- да
The cartoonist Thomas Nast invented the Republican __________as the party emblem.
The woolsack is
stuffed with wool from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
stuffed with wool from several Commonwealth countries
a seat in the form of a large blanket
a seat in the form of a large cushion
Раскройте скобки. Some of the Southern States (leave) the Union, and the war between the South and the North began.
In subsequent centuries ______Vikings settled in several parts of the island.
How _______ power does the Royal Family have?
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supreme authority
верховная власть
Ceremonial activities have always been associated __________British kings and queens and, in spite of changing attitudes, many traditional ceremonies still take place.
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George Washington chose the place located midway
Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston and others.
Washington was founded in 1791 and it became
the capital of the United States of America.
The most important cities of the USA are: New York, San Francisco,
to keep at close touch as possible between the states.
The Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, usually known as «Black Rod», is responsible for
summons the Commons to listen to the Queen’s speech in the House of Lords
security and services in the Queen’s part of the Buckingham Palace
security, accommodation and services in the House of Lords’ part of the Palace of Westminster
summons the Commons to listen to the Queen’s speech in the House of Commons
The current Union Flag dates _______ 1 January 1801 with the Act of Union 1800.
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) The leaders of the new state decided they will form a republic which would have no king but would have a President, who was to be chosen every four years. В) As their settlements were called "colonies", the people called "colonists".
А- нет, В- нет
А- да, В- да
А- нет, В- да
А- да, В- нет
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At last they saw land. Columbus was certain that the lands he had discovered were part of India,
were sold by the tsar to the United States.
Russians were the first Europeans
to settle in north-west America.
In the second half of the 19th century all the American possessions of Russia
and he called these islands the West Indies.
Newton's Principia is one of _________ most influential works in the history of science.
Вставьте пропущенное слово. How ________Senators usually elected?
A daughter _______ succeeds to the throne becomes Queen Regnant and acquires the Crown’s powers as though she were king.
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г. Белфаст (столица Северной Ирландии: крупный промышленный центр)
the English Channel
Английский канал (принятое в Великобритании название пролива Ла-Манш)
Эйре (другое название Ирландской Республики)
Раскройте скобки. The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments respectively guaranteed citizenship for all persons (naturalize) within U.S. territory and voting for people of all races.
Соедините части предложений.
The name England
the land of Britons.
The tribes' of the first people
who lived on the island were called Britons.
Britain was
was given to part of the island at a later date.
Вставьте пропущенное слово. The ________ of Representatives, at the present time, has 435 members.
The United States ranges from the Atlantic Ocean on the nation's _____ coast to the Pacific Ocean bordering the west.
Вставьте пропущенное слово. Grand jury indictment required to __________ a person for a serious crime.
__________ constitutional monarchies are there in the world?
How long
How far
How much
How many
Вставьте пропущенное слово. What are the rules of _____ to the Throne?
Вставьте пропущенное слово. The Constitution says that each______, no matter how small in population, must have at least one Representative.
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) The first Queen Elizabeth, whose name has become a synonym for the era which she dominated, was born in 1533 to Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. В) Elizabeth's deft political skills and strong personal character were directly responsible for putting England on the road to becoming a true world economic and political power and restoring the country's lost sense of national pride.
А- нет, В- да
А- да, В- да
А- нет, В- нет
А- да, В- нет