ПКОЯз. Англ. Практикум по культуре речевого общения

Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) But although I approve of the idea of a monarchy, I don’t approve of the monarchy we have in Britain at the moment. В) I’m against them personally, if you like.
А- да, В- да
А- нет, В- да
А- нет, В- нет
А- да, В- нет
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the age of Enlightenment
блок, объединение
эпоха Просвещения
John F. Kennedy started making some important changes in the United States:
He signed a nuclear test ban with the Chinese in 1963.
He signed a nuclear test ban with the Russians in 1963.
His advocacy of the space program contributed to the successful launch of the first Russian manned spaceflights.
He sent troops to the University of Mississippi when a black student was not allowed in.
He stopped the segregation of black and white students in schools.
Раскройте скобки. (Ratify) in 1788, the Constitution serves as the supreme American law in organizing the government;
Вставьте пропущенное слово. Why is the U.K. also _________ Great Britain, England or the British Isles?
Вставьте пропущенное слово. The United Kingdom is a constitutional __________, which means that the powers of the monarch are limited by the country’s constitution.
The House of Lords is presided over by the Lord Chancellor, the senior ________of the state.
public officer
law officer
revenue officer
public-relations officer
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to impose taxes
парламентский пристав
облагать налогами
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the most underpopulated
озеро (в Шотландии)
not to be densely populated
иметь небольшую плотность населения
наименее населенный
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a long succession of invaders
to be of great success
иметь большой успех
длинная череда вторжений
Вставьте пропущенное слово. When was England conquered by the___________?
Вставьте пропущенное слово. What principle forms the basis of ________ Constitution?
The aims of the Opposition are
to contribute to the formation of national policies by their criticism of pending legislation
to present its own policies in such a way as to improve its chances of winning at the next primary elections
to oppose government proposals it considers objectionable
to increase support for their performance and policies inside and outside the House of Lords
to secure concessions on Government bills by proposing amendments to them
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It was called America after Amerigo Vespucci,
though they have nothing in common with the real Indians - inhabitants of India.
Not until later was it understood that Columbus had discovered
a new part of the world.
The people living there have been called Indians since then,
a traveller who left a description of some places he had seen there.
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буйвол, американский бизон
место; местонахождение, местоположение; позиция
It is a long-standing tradition that the Monarch never enters the House of Commons. Instead he or she uses a messenger, the Gentleman Usher of _______, to summon MPs to the Lords.
the White Rod
the Red Rod
the Brown Rod
the Black Rod
Other public duties of the Queen include the ____________ at the Cenotaph in Whitehall. This special ceremony remembers the soldiers who died in World War I and World War II and all of the Royal Family and Britain’s political leaders attend it.
Remembrance Day ceremony
Boxing Day ceremony
Independence Day ceremony
Thanksgiving Day ceremony
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графство (адм. единица ), округ (в США)
to put it in a different way
выразить что-либо иначе
зависимая страна, колония
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) I simply don’t believe this. В) I would love to swop my job for their job any day.
А- да, В- да
А- нет, В- да
А- нет, В- нет
А- да, В- нет
The name Britain is derived from the _________ name Britannia.
Вставьте пропущенное слово. In neither chamber there is a representative of American youth, because of the age ______________ for Congressmen.
Вставьте пропущенное слово. ____________ are the advantages of the monarchy?
Morris dancers or the costumes for the traditional English May dance are cited _______ some as examples of traditional English costume.
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There is a law in Washington against building structures higher than the Capitol;
to keep at close touch as possible between the states.
Washington is not a very large city,
but it is very important as the capital of the USA.
George Washington chose the place located midway
therefore it presents different appearance from New York with its sky-scrapers.
Вставьте пропущенное слово. But freedom of enterprise does not at all expand personal _________ of all citizens- on the contrary, it limits them.
Вставьте пропущенное слово. What is the difference between the ________ and the House of Representatives?
Вставьте пропущенное слово. The automatic succession is summed ________ in the famous phrase ‘the King is dead; long live the King!
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As the years passed, the Normans
which became England.
In 1066 the Normans,
a people who came from the north of France, conquered England.
Some time later the people began to call the whole of the southern part of the country the Land of Angles (Angle Land),
and the Anglo-Saxons formed the English people.
Раскройте скобки. Many social progresses came up (start) in the nineteenth century; those advancements have been widely reflected in the Constitution.
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to gain a status of
быть в ходу у кого-либо, употребляться(о языке)
living standards
уровень жизни
to be spoken by
добиться статуса
The island of Great Britain formed _______ the end of the Pleistocene ice age when sea levels rose due to depression of the crust and the melting of glaciers.
__________ carry a right to sit in the House of Lords provided holders establish their claim and are aged 21 years or over.
Life peers
Prime Ministers
Hereditary peers
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Due to the colonial policy of Great Britain
was a colony of Britain.
Northern Ireland contains six of the nine counties of the historic province of Ulster
and that is why the name ‘Ulster’ is sometimes used as equivalent to Northern Ireland.
For seven centuries Ireland
the Irish nation was forcefully partitioned.
By 12 o’clock on January 20, the participants of the Inauguration ceremony and guests take their places on a rostrum especially erected in front of __________.
Lincoln Memorial
the Houses of Parliament
the Capitol
Washington Monument
Since the union of 1707, the entire island __________ one political unit.
had been
has been
British Commonwealth is a free association of sovereign states comprising Great Britain and a number of its former dependencies who
have chosen to maintain ties of friendship
have chosen to maintain ties of practical cooperation
acknowledge the British monarch as symbolic head of their association
acknowledge the US President as symbolic head of their association
The nickname for the American government is __________.
Uncle Nick
Uncle Jack
Uncle Sam
Uncle Tom
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) Elizabeth, "Gloriana," the last of the Tudors, died without left an heir at seventy years of age after a reign that had exceeded all realistic expectations for it and qualifies her to be considered in the top rank of British monarchs. В) Fashion and education come to the fore because of Elizabeth's penchant for knowledge, courtly behavior and extravagant dress.
А- да, В- нет
А- да, В- да
А- нет, В- да
А- нет, В- нет
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civil rights
занимать пост, быть у власти (о партии)
to be deprived of smth
быть лишенным чего-либо
to hold office
гражданские права
The full royal title in Britain is: «Elizabeth the Second, by the grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the ___________».
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) In the 11th century England was conquered by the Normans, who had come from the north of France. В) The conquerors were cruel, and they robbed and killed the natives without mercy.
А- нет, В- нет
А- да, В- да
А- да, В- нет
А- нет, В- да
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Christopher Columbus, an experienced sailor,
till the end of the 15th century.
In 1492 he sailed
with three small ships into the Atlantic Ocean.
America remained unknown to Europe
asked the king of Spain to fit him out with a fleet of ships so that he could look for a new route to India.
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договор, соглашение, конвенция
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государственный флаг Соединенного Королевства
кокни, лондонское просторечие
the Union Jack
иберийский (относящийся к древним иберам населявшим Древнюю Испанию, территорию современных Испании и Португалии)
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Those were wild
and became the forefathers of the people of England and part of Scotland.
Several states were formed;
one of them was East Anglia, the land where the Angles lived.
They settled down in the land they had conquered
and fearless people.
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impartial trial
to testify
беспристрастный, справедливый суд
Раскройте скобки. At weekends, at Christmas, Easter and the late Spring Bank Holiday as well as during a long summer ‘recess’ Parliament is (adjourn).
Some evidence suggests that John Cabot ______ have reached what is presently New England in 1498.
Раскройте скобки. The government of the day may dissolve it and (call) for a general election at any time during the term
The Twenty-second amendment, adopted in 1951, makes it impossible for any President to hold office for more than _________ terms.