Английский язык (11 класс)

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___ was the founder of the British police?
Don't count your chickens before they____________.
are born
are eaten
are hatched
are grown
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The deadliest terrorist strikes to date were the September, 11 attacks (2001), in which suicide terrorists associated with al-Qaeda hijacked four commercial airplanes,
17 sailors aboard a U.S. naval ship, the USS Cole, in the Yemeni port of Aden.
The crashes destroyed much of the World Trade Center complex and
a large portion of one side of the Pentagon and killed more than 3,000 people.
In 2000 an explosion triggered by suicide bombers caused the deaths of
crashing two of them into the twin towers of the World Trade Center complex in New York City and one into the Pentagon building near Washington, D.C.; the fourth plane crashed near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
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The ancient Greek historian Xenophon (c. 431–c. 350 BC) wrote of the
throughout history and throughout the world.
Roman emperors such as Tiberius (reigned AD 14–37) and Caligula (reigned AD 37–41) used banishment,
expropriation of property, and execution as means to discourage opposition to their rule.
Terror has been practiced by state and nonstate actors
effectiveness of psychological warfare against enemy populations.
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова voter
участник голосования
The most important monument in St. Paul's Cathedral is the one dedicated to the Duke of
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During the 19th century, Russian and
his ship at the port of Kronstadt after a direct transatlantic voyage.
Earlier contacts had occurred
Qing Empire.
They defeated the Boxer rebels in the
between Americans and Russians.
In 1698, Peter the Great and William Penn had met in London, and in 1763 a Boston merchant had anchored
American frontiers met in Alaska.
In subsequent centuries Vikings settled in several parts of the island, and the Norman ______ introduced a French ruling élite who also became assimilated.
Определите штаты США
Los Angelas
Then there are the introduced plants and trees, so that the native vegetation _____jostled and strangled by Chinese guava, wild raspberries, privet and a host of other things.
Do you think you’ll have to change your mind after you _________school?
have finished
will finish
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами
флора и фауна
истреблять, уничтожать
to annihilate
черепаха (морская)
flora and fauna
черепаха (сухопутная)
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова stripe
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова reign
верховная власть
отречение от престола
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова stratum
стадия (исторического или социального развития)
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова stunning
The District of Columbia is outside the jurisdiction of any state and subject only to the control of the Federal
By law, in the USA health care is available to those without any money or -----------------.
legal status
social status
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Likewise, the use of terror was openly advocated by Robespierre during the French Revolution, and the Spanish Inquisition
who engaged in frequent violent attacks on fellow Hebrews suspected of collusion with the Roman authorities.
After the American Civil War (1861–65), defiant Southerners formed the Ku Klux Klan to intimidate supporters
of Reconstruction (1865–77) and the newly freed former slaves.
The most commonly cited example of early terror, however, is the activity of the Jewish Zealots, often known as the Sicarii (Hebrew: “Daggers”),
used arbitrary arrest, torture, and execution to punish what it viewed as religious heresy.
The south-east of Scotland was colonised by the _______ and formed, until 1018, a part of the Kingdom of Northumbria.
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова tombstone
надгробная плита
надгробный памятник
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
air pollution index
радиоактивные отходы
разлив нефти
oil spillage
борец за чистоту нравов (здесь – природы)
radioactive waste
показатель загрязнённости воздуха
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When we travel on buses (trams, etc.) we have
that the traffic is heavy.
If the vehicles are few we say that the traffic
it doesn't depend on the distance you go.
It's 20 roubles and
is light.
If there are many cars, buses and trolley-buses in the town we say
to pay fare.
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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
and the Second World War were tense.
In 1938 a few Western countries, including Britain,
Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War.
After the Russian Revolution, Britain sent troops to Russia in the failed
signed the Munich Agreement with Nazi Germany.
Relations between then
recognised the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on February 1, 1924.
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It covers an area of 172 square miles (445 square km)—of which more than one-third is old-growth forest —
and was designated a World Heritage site in 1980.
Preserving virgin (old-growth) groves of ancient redwood trees, including the world's tallest tree,
the northwestern corner of California, U.S.
Redwood National Park is in
the park also features 40 miles (64 km) of scenic Pacific coastline.
It was established in 1968, with a boundary change in 1978,
and includes land held in three state parks: Jedediah Smith Redwoods, Del Norte Coast Redwoods, and Prairie Creek Redwoods.
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Since the early 1900s, when movie-making pioneers found in southern California an ideal blend of mild climate, much sunshine, varied terrain, and a large labour market,
whose name is synonymous with the American motion-picture industry.
Lying northwest of downtown Los Angeles, it is bounded by Hyperion Avenue and Riverside Drive (east),
a prohibitionist from Kansas who envisioned a community based on his sober religious principles.
An adobe was the first house built on the site near Los Angeles, which was then a small city in the new state of California, Hollywood was laid out as a real-estate subdivision in 1887 by Horace Wilcox,
Beverly Boulevard (south), the foothills of Santa Monica Mountains (north), and Beverly Hills (west).
Hollywood is a district within the city of Los Angeles, California, U.S.,
the image of Hollywood as the fabricator of tinseled cinematic dreams has become worldwide.
Установите соответствия
research staff
прочное усвоение
to pursue a degree
стремиться получить степень
a sound command
научные сотрудники
It is hoped that recent advances in medical research will enable us to ________many of the diseases which currently kill a large number of people in Third World countries.
root out
Do you have any other suggestions _______ reducing crime in your local area?
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова canyon
глубокое ущелье
горная цепь
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"краснокирпичные университеты"
polytechnic school
политехнический институт/колледж
the Redbrick Universities
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова tributary
приток реки
исток реки
государство, платящее дань
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова border
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I went off to take my first pictures of
obviously I didn't have much money in those days.
My love of nature goes right back to my childhood,
I trained as a scientist and therefore my way of expressing myself is very different.
Unlike many of the wildlife photographers of the time,
to the times when I stayed on my grandparents' farm in Suffolk.
I became keen very quickly, and learned how to develop and print;
sea anemones and starfish.
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Similarly, guerrilla forces, which often rely on acts of terror and other forms of propaganda,
and terrorism as the “weapon of the weakest.”
Terrorism proper is thus the systematic use of violence to generate fear,
and thereby to achieve political goals, when direct military victory is not possible.
This has led some social scientists to refer to guerrilla warfare as the “weapon of the weak”
aim at military victory and occasionally succeed.
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The weather changes with the change
with heavy rain and gales.
At first they melt in the warmth of the early morning sun but
or warm fine summer days return in mid-October (Indian summer) gilding the autumn leaves.
Winter cold comes back when spring seems already to be here,
as the days get shorter they may last throughout the day.
At other times strong winds bring stormy weather
of the seasons.
Germanic tribes (Angles, Saxons, and _________) became known as the English people.
Установите соответствия
to work on research projects
системный подход в обучении
to enrol
systematic approach to learning
работать над научными проектами
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Many stars, past and present, live in neighbouring communities such as
many of the famous lots and sound stages or turned them over to television show producers.
By the early 1960s it had become the source of
Hollywood began to alter its functions.
With the advent of television,
much of American network television entertainment.
After World War II, film studios began to move outside Hollywood; and location filming around the world emptied
Beverly Hills and Bel Air.
Определите штаты США
North Carolina
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In the latter half of the 19th century, terror was adopted in Western Europe, Russia, and the United States by
used arbitrary arrest, torture, and execution to punish what it viewed as religious heresy.
After the American Civil War (1861–65), defiant Southerners formed the Ku Klux Klan to intimidate supporters
of Reconstruction (1865–77) and the newly freed former slaves.
Likewise, the use of terror was openly advocated by Robespierre during the French Revolution, and the Spanish Inquisition
adherents of anarchism, who believed that the best way to effect revolutionary political and social change was to assassinate persons in positions of power.
Speaker's Corner is in this park.
Fashion and education came to the fore because ______ Elizabeth's penchant for knowledge, courtly behavior and extravagant dress.
Elizabeth proved most calm and calculating, employing capable and distinguished men to _______out royal prerogative.
have carried
Раскройте скобки: Meanwhile, security measures within the country (be tightened) considerably at such places as airports, government buildings, and sports venues.
______Queen Bess, as she came to called, maintained a regal air until the day she died.
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In 1698, Peter the Great and William Penn had met in London, and in 1763 a Boston merchant had anchored
During the 19th century, Russian and
to the United States.
In 1867, Alaska was sold
American frontiers met in Alaska.
Russia had colonized
his ship at the port of Kronstadt after a direct transatlantic voyage.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: There can be a lot of ignorance in people's behaviour towards wild animals.
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
Present Continuous
Present Indefinite