Английский язык (11 класс)

February and March are the months with most snow though it can fall as late as ______ in the Scottish Highlands.
... Great Britain is the name of the largest island of the British Isles.
From the helicopter the navigator could see the red cliffs of the Devon ________.
About twenty _____________ of Great Britain have passed through Eton college.
Prime Ministers
The "green belts" not only provide restful relaxation, they are regarded as important allies in the battle __________air pollution.
In what situations can the _________ carry arms?
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Although hundreds of thousands of people work in its offices by day,
in the age of telecommunications, the City could be situated anywhere.
In contrast to the entertainment district in the West End of London,
increasingly independent of the British domestic economy.
Although the City is central to international finance, to many observers it seems
the City is almost deserted at night.
When London was an imperial capital, the City was its financial heart, but
only about eight thousand actually live within the square mile
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: What do you think are the responsibilities of nature conservation authorities and voluntary organizations in Britain?
Present Continuous
Present Indefinite
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
This can be _______ by going to the library and by reading widely, and also by talking to adults who have different kinds of jobs.
will do
The Progressive Era marked a time of ________ progress for the United States, advancing to the Roaring Twenties.
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
растяжение связок
рана, ушиб
спазм, судорога
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We have to remember that the short paragraph sums up a complicated legal case which might have taken hours, days or even weeks of court time,
widely from one court to another.
National and local newspapers regularly print accounts of legal cases,
when his decision goes against one's own team.
As every football fan knows, referees make mistakes, and the referee is much more likely to be mistaken
and quite often the stories they choose are ones in which the punishment does not appear to fit the crime.
However, sentences and penalties vary
and that the judge knew a lot more about the case than the casual newspaper reader.
Закончите высказывание: Tastes _________.
Beyond Hadrian's wall, the major ethnic groups were the Scots, who may have emigrated from ________.
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In the third place, as societies grow it becomes more difficult
an offense within the workplace, he may not wish to call in the police.
He may believe that, if he deals with it in his own way, production and
profit may suffer less; the public interest, however, may not be served thereby.
If an employer catches a group of employees committing
to relate public and private interests.
What reasons could ________ when you think about another profession?
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
синяк, кровоподтек; ушиб
cold in the head
спазм, судорога
рана, ушиб
There are always some boys and girls who know very well what they ______going to do after leaving school.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: It is actually changing the natural surroundings to make them prettier.
Present Indefinite
Present Continuous
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
This regal figure surely had her faults, ______ she excelled at rising to challenges and emerging victorious.
_____________ never quite vanished from the English scene.
"Going mothering"
"Go a-mothering"
"Going a-mother"
"Going a-mothering"
Do you think the police ________ carry guns?
Many social progresses came _______ starting in the nineteenth century.
At present the average Japanese citizen ___________ about 920 g of waste per day, i.e. more than 330 kg a year.
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова commerce
Вставьте пропущенное слово: How _______ fruits and vegetables can you name?
Выберете правильный вариант ответа: Workers in industry and so _______ employees expect health insurance agreements for them and their families, benefits and pensions as part of their contracts.
How the problem of pollution has been and is being tackled has a great deal to do _____ politics and social initiative.
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The moods of British weather are
the much commoner icy roads can stop traffic but fog is the greatest disaster that can happen, causing accidents on roads and railways.
There are the bitter easterly winds that the natives of Suffolk proudly tell you come straight from Siberia and
nor do animals perish.
Droughts occur, but crops are never a complete loss,
there are the soft westerly winds when "rain" is more usually called "mist", so soft and warming it is.
Sometimes a little whirlwind can destroy houses, heavy snowfalls and
really surprising.
Built to impress and dominate the people of London it has been a severe symbol of power throughout its 900-year history
Westminster Abbey
the Houses of Parliament
the Tower of London
the British Museum
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People who before, also in Parliament, stated that capital punishment was not a deterrent to murder — for there have always been murders in all countries
public opinion in Britain has changed.
To them it seemed a departure from feudalism, from the cruel
who shot them down in cold blood.
Three unarmed policemen have been killed in London by bandits
pre-Christian spirit of revenge: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
Today, therefore,
with or without the law of execution — now feel that killing the assassin is the lesser of two evils.
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But crime prevention was not the only business of the new police force: they inherited many functions of the watchmen, such as lighting lamplights,
excluding the City of London and provinces.
All police were to be uniformed; crime and disorder were to be controlled by preventive patrols; police were to be paid regular salaries;
and no stipends were permitted for successful solutions of crimes or the recovery of stolen property.
The jurisdiction of the bill was limited to the metropolitan London area,
calling time, watching for fires, and providing other public services. ‘Bobbies’, named after Peel, were not immediately popular.
However, critics say that the dam project represents ________and cultural destruction on a scale so massive that the benefits of the project will pale in comparison to the damage it will cause.
Instead of imposing requirements, they have only __ lubricate the mechanisms inherent in social relations, and police action is needed only when the informal controls have proved insufficient.
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He may believe that, if he deals with it in his own way, production and
was organized to curb the thefts that plagued the world's largest port.
The creation of the Thames River Police was one
of the most significant police reform experiments of the time.
The first regular professional police force in London, the Thames River Police
profit may suffer less; the public interest, however, may not be served thereby.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: Fortunately, the US Marine Mammals Protection Act of 1972 saved them.
Although beer bottles are still reused they are an exception from the trend of recent decades of not________________.
re-used storehouses
re-used containers
re-using containers
re-using boxes
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Although apparently random, the victims and locations
and terrorism as the “weapon of the weakest.”
In order to attract and maintain the publicity necessary to generate widespread fear,
terrorists must engage in increasingly dramatic, violent, and high-profile attacks.
This has led some social scientists to refer to guerrilla warfare as the “weapon of the weak”
of terrorist attacks often are carefully selected for their shock value.
Определите президентов США
The travellers gazed in awe at the________, a beautiful stretch of clear, fresh water surrounded by snow-capped mountains.
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For example, it is part of the Englishman’s code not to intrude upon
doing the wrong things soon find themselves rejected.
They have their lives
behaviour, notably the public-school code.
The British have some very rigid codes of
to live in their own way, and he has his.
Individuals who do not do the right things and do not avoid
his neighbours and their way of doing things.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: When the all clear was given at 2 pm we were able to go out and see the devastation.
Past Perfect Continuous
Past Indefinite
Past Continuous
Past Perfect
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
oil spillage
отработавший (выхлопной) газ
air pollution index
загрязнение моря
marine pollution
показатель загрязнённости воздуха
exhaust gas
разлив нефти
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They defeated the Boxer rebels in the
Bennett Island, Jeannette Island, and Henrietta Island in 1881.
Russia had occupied
allied during the Boxer Rebellion.
In 1900, Russia and America were
Manchuria at this time.
The United States claimed Wrangel Island, Herald Island,
Qing Empire.
Определите штаты США
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The American colonies grew bigger and bigger, they prospered,
the people were called "colonists".
Soon more and
reached the shores of the new land.
After a stormy voyage across the Atlantic, their small ship, the "Mayflower",
more European settlers came and more colonies were formed.
As their settlements were called "colonies",
but they were for a long time ruled by England, and all the riches of the new country belonged to England.
Too many cooks spoil the ______________.
fried meat
After the fall of the Roman Empire, over a period of 500 years, the Britons of the south and east of the island of Britain became assimilated by colonizing Germanic _________.
Раскройте скобки: We didn't ask for the attack, but it (come).
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The British are known as a people self-assured, absolutely confident
pretty satisfied with themselves.
Although the actual situation of Great Britain in the contemporary world is no longer that of a top nation,
contributed largely to making a distinctive character of its inhabitants.
Its geographical position was one of the most important factors which
it would seem that the implications of this change have not yet penetrated far into British popular consciousness.
Deep down the British still feel
in their national sense of superiority.