Прирда и экология

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The distinctive pattern warns predators that the insects are
as well as by reduced acreage of milkweed plants in their summer home.
These monarchs are born to fly, and know because of the changing weather
and it will be last year's migrators' great grandchildren that make the trip.
By the time next year's winter migration begins, several summer generations will have lived and died
that they must prepare for their lengthy journey.
This group is occurring in ever smaller numbers, and its survival may be threatened by a series of natural disasters in the Mexican wintering grounds,
foul tasting and poisonous.
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова aggravate
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
water cycle
беречь, оберегать, охранять
conservation area
заповедник, заповедная зона
to preserve
круговорот воды, влагооборот
_________ a result, a spokesperson for Iceland recently announced that the company would buy soya for its own-brand products only from Brazil, where the GM crop isn't grown.
Определите правильные варианты перевода словосочетания junk food
хорошая еда
нечто приятное, но не имеющее значительной ценности
тяжелая пища
здоровая пища
пища, богатая калория ми, но имеющая низкую питательную ценность
Вставьте пропущенное слово: There were parts of houses, trees and debris everywhere and a tidal wave ________ destroyed many homes on the island.
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
to avert disaster
контейнер для пустых бутылок
стихийное бедствие
a natural disaster
строгий; обязательный, точный
bottle bank
предотвращать беду
Other measures being examined by the government are a system for resale of the rights to emit noxious substances and the introduction of a tax on the burning of oil, coal, natural gas and other fuels which produce ____________ during combustion.
sulphur acid
carbon dioxide
ethyl alcohol
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова frost
Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: How _____ authors in 19 century often describe Victorian London?
Cosmetics companies who claim not to __________ their products on animals are gaining a large share of the market.
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
возмущения в атмосфере, изменения в погоде в сторону ухудшения
экономические запасы
глетчер, ледник
atmospheric disturbance
развалины, руины какого-л. здания
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Such ________ shame for the island, but hurricanes could never put us off going back there.
Вставьте пропущенный предлог. The small mammals that inhabit the woods and the fields are gathering food as they prepare ______ hibernation.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: The reason is whale-watching, an American craze for tourists.
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This group is occurring in ever smaller numbers, and its survival may be threatened by a series of natural disasters in the Mexican wintering grounds,
which summer east of the Rocky Mountains.
Yet somehow these new generations know the way, and follow the same routes their ancestors took —
sometimes even returning to the same tree.
Many scientists are concerned about the eastern population of monarchs,
as well as by reduced acreage of milkweed plants in their summer home.
Despite the benefits, however, not everyone is in favour of _______ foods or 'Frankenfoods', as the media calls them.
gene modified
gene modifying
genetically modified
genetically modifying
Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: What _______ the cold winter wind usually bring?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Did you ever try to avoid eating some fruit?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: _________ the weather usually keep fine in summer?
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
to harmonize
глобальная программа защиты окружающей среды
to avert disaster
стихийное бедствие
a natural disaster
предотвращать беду
Global Environmental Facility (GEF)
согласовывать, приводить к согласию
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Food Files tell you what goes into the food on your plate, as the programme follows it from farmyard _______ factory and finally to your front door.
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова boost
подъем цены
шипучий напиток
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Winter cold comes back when spring seems already to be here,
as the days get shorter they may last throughout the day.
The weather changes with the change
of the seasons.
At first they melt in the warmth of the early morning sun but
or warm fine summer days return in mid-October (Indian summer) gilding the autumn leaves.
Раскройте скобки: The weather (be) lovely yesterday.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: It has not affected my feelings for the place.
Present Indefinite
Present Perfect Continuous
Present Continuous
Present Perfect
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The large train is used in
to refer to birds of both sexes.
Females are believed to choose
their mates according to the size, color, and quality of these outrageous feather trains.
The term "peacock" is commonly used
mating rituals and courtship displays.
Раскройте скобки: Towards evening it (fall) to 20° but it was still very warm.
Вставьте пропущенный предлог. One of the great problems grappled _______in the plans for economic and social development is how to harmonize industry and community, plants and people.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: I've tried from the beginning to produce pictures which are always biologically correct.
Present Continuous
Present Perfect Continuous
Present Indefinite
Present Perfect
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: All over the world other rare species continue to receive protection.
Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: Which ______ the driest season in Britain?
Закончите высказывание: Too many cooks spoil the ___________.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: She taught me the names of wildflowers and got me interested in looking at the countryside.
Past Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect
Past Indefinite
Past Continuous
Вставьте пропущенное слово: If your child needs a snack, urge him or her to eat fresh or dried fruits, unsalted nuts, a sandwich, a yoghurt, a bowl of soup, a fresh-fruit smoothie or a ________ of cheese.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: What operational measures have been introduced to store radioactive wastes?
Present Indefinite
Present Perfect
Present Continuous
Present Perfect Continuous
Раскройте скобки: Hello, Ann! You (look) very fresh and sunburnt.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: When the all clear was given at 2 pm we were able to go out and see the devastation.
Past Continuous
Past Indefinite
Past Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect
February and March are the months with most snow though it can fall as late as ______ in the Scottish Highlands.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: A tidal wave of water and ice ______ heading straight for us and we scrambled up the rocky slopes to safety.
The dry grass around the swamp sways in the hot breeze, while antelope graze, ever fearful for the predators who may be ________from the shade of the few trees that dot the bush.
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But the rain is heavier in the hills and it is here that great floods occur
in the east get most rain in this season.
Cold, dry winds blow, the skies are calm and clear,
may build up by day and die away at night.
In early summer the wind sends fine sunny weather with blue skies in which clouds
and sometimes it rains.
Thunderstorms are common in summer and the counties
which do the worst damage in narrow valleys.
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Unlike many of the wildlife photographers of the time,
obviously I didn't have much money in those days.
I had no ambition at all to be a photographer then,
or even for some years afterwards.
I became keen very quickly, and learned how to develop and print;
I trained as a scientist and therefore my way of expressing myself is very different.
Although factory farming is still widespread, farmers are aware that consumers are increasingly interested in the living conditions and even the feelings of _________.
migrant birds
Вставьте пропущенное слово: When he looked at the charts, he found that the system of abbreviations _______ familiar to him.
Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: Where ________ the highlands and the mountains mainly lie?
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They usually have two to four eggs each year,
about six birds.
However, the birds commonly keep up a racket of vocalization,
which suggests that they are not trying to remain hidden.
Toco toucans live in small flocks of
which both parents care for.
The government demanded to remove ___________from this site.
toxic rejects
toxic scrap
toxic waste
toxic refuse
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But the toucan's bill is useful
of the rain forest canopy.
The birds use them to reach fruit on branches that are too small to support
their weight, and also to skin their pickings.
Their bright colors actually provide good camouflage in the dappled light
as a feeding tool.
Соедините части предложений:
I went off to take my first pictures of
or even for some years afterwards.
I've tried from the beginning to produce pictures
which are always biologically correct.
I had no ambition at all to be a photographer then,
sea anemones and starfish.