Англ.яз. Теоретическая грамматика (курс 1)

The underlined word in the sentence is a PRONOUN. A) "And you are staying in this hotel?" she went on. "And you are really an American?" B) The courier stood looking at Winterbourne offensively. The young man,at least, thought his manner of looking an offense to Miss Miller; it conveyed an imputation that she "picked up" acquaintances. "I shall have the honor of presenting to you a person who will tell you all about me,"he said, smiling and referring to his aunt. Подберите правильный ответ
А - да, В - да
А - да, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: She answered that she liked standing up and walking about; but she presently sat down.
Match the parts of the sentences:
He is a music master, or a penny-a-liner,
knowing the difference between a spurious gentleman and a real one.
Giovanelli chattered and jested and made himself wonderfully agreeable. It was true that,
if he was an imitation, the imitation was brilliant.
Mr. Giovanelli had certainly a very pretty face; but Winterbourne felt a superior indignation at his own lovely fellow countrywoman's not
or a third-rate artist. D__n his good looks!"
Define what part of speech the underlined words are: "You two are going off there together? I should say it proved just the contrary. How long had you known her, may I ask, when this interesting project was formed? You haven't been twenty-four hours in the house."
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: But his aunt had a headache-- his aunt had almost always a headache--and now she was shut up in her room, smelling camphor, so that he was at liberty to wander about.
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: After knocking at his aunt's door and learning that she was indisposed, he had taken a walk about the town, and then he had come in to his breakfast.
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: Winterbourne was silent a moment. "She tells me she does, "he answered at last, not knowing what to say.
The underlined word is: "I see what you mean, of course," said Winterbourne after another pause. "She has that charming look that they all have," his aunt resumed.
Match the parts of the sentences:
I have only got seven teeth. My mother counted them last night, and one came out right afterward. She said
come out.
Winterbourne was much amused. "If you eat three lumps of sugar, your mother will certainly slap you,"
he said.
I haven't got any teeth to hurt. They have all
she'd slap me if any more came out. I can't help it. It's this old Europe. It's the climate that makes them come out. In America they didn't come out. It's these hotels."
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: "Well, I hope it won't keep you awake!" she said very smartly; and, under the escort of the privileged Eugenio, the two ladiespassed toward the house.
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: Well, we ARE exclusive,mother and I. We don't speak to everyone--or they don't speak to us.I suppose it's about the same thing. Anyway, I shall be everso glad to know your aunt."
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: I hardly know whether it was the analogies or the differences that were uppermost in the mind of a young American, who, two or three years ago, sat in the garden of the "Trois Couronnes," looking about him, rather idly, at some of the graceful objects I have mentioned.
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: A tall, handsome man, with superb whiskers, wearing a velvet morning coat and a brilliant watch chain, approached Miss Miller,looking sharply at her companion. "Oh, Eugenio!" said Miss Miller with the friendliest accent.Eugenio had looked at Winterbourne from head to foot; he now bowed gravely to the young lady.
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: Very few Americans--indeed, I think none--had ever seen this lady, about whom there were some singular stories.
The underlined word is: He had imbibed at Geneva the idea that one must always be attentiveto one's aunt. Mrs. Costello had not seen him for many years, and she was greatly pleased with him, manifesting her approbation by initiating him into many of the secrets of that social sway which, as she gave him to understand, she exerted in the American capital.
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: Winterbourne, laughing, answered thathe had met Germans who spoke like Americans, but that he had not, so far as he remembered, met an American who spoke like a German.
The underlined word is: "But, my dear aunt, she is not, after all, a Comanche savage.""She is a young lady," said Mrs. Costello, "who has an intimacywith her mamma's courier."
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: They were wonderfully pretty eyes; and, indeed, Winterbourne had not seen for a long time anything prettier than his fair countrywoman'svarious features--her complexion, her nose, her ears, her teeth.
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: Winterbourne fancied there was a tremor in her voice; he was touched, shocked, mortified by it. "My dear young lady," he protested, "she knows no one. It's her wretched health."
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: There are, indeed, many hotels,for the entertainment of tourists is the business of the place, which, as many travelers will remember, is seated upon the edge of a remarkably blue lake--a lake that it behooves every tourist to visit.
The underlined word in the sentence is a PRONOUN. A) He had, however, engaged to do more than proved feasible, in promising to present his aunt, Mrs. Costello, to Miss Daisy Miller. B) As soon as the former lady had got better of her headache, he waited upon her in her apartment; and, after the proper inquiries in regard to her health, he asked her if she hadobserved in the hotel an American family--a mamma, a daughter, and a little boy. Подберите правильный ответ
А - да, В - нет
А - да, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
Define what part of speech the underlined words are: "Will you give me a lump of sugar?" he asked in a sharp, hard little voice--a voice immature and yet, somehow, not young.
Define what part of speech the underlined words are: Winterbourne had immediately perceived that he might have the honor of claiming him as a fellow countryman. "Take care you don't hurt your teeth," he said, paternally.
The underlined word is: He probably corresponds to the young lady's idea of a count.He sits with them in the garden in the evening. I think he smokes.
The underlined word in the sentence is an ADJECTIVE. A) "Are you sure it is your mother? Can you distinguish her in this thick dusk?" Winterbourne asked.B) "Well!" cried Miss Daisy Miller with a laugh; "I guess I know my own mother. And when she has got on my shawl, too! She is always wearing my things."Подберите правильный ответ
А - нет, В - нет
А - да, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
А - да, В - да
Match the parts of the sentences:
He had known, here in Europe, two or three women--persons older than Miss Daisy Miller, and provided, for respectability's sake, with husbands--
with young ladies of this category.
He was inclined to think
Miss Daisy Miller was a flirt--a pretty American flirt.
He had never, as yet, had any relations
who were great coquettes--dangerous, terrible women, with whom one's relations were liable to take a serious turn.
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: If, however, he determined to waita little before reminding Miss Miller of his claims to her consideration, he went very soon to call upon two or three other friends.
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: He had a great relish for feminine beauty; he was addicted to observing and analyzing it; and as regards this young lady's face he made several observations.
Define what part of speech the underlined words are: She was a very accomplished woman, and she lived in the Via Gregoriana. Winterbourne found her in a little crimson drawing room on a third floor; the room was filled with southern sunshine.
The underlined word is: "The young girl is very pretty," said Winterbourne in a moment."Of course she's pretty. But she is very common."
Match the parts of the sentences:
It seemed to Winterbourne
the young girl, throwing away his cigarette.
"This little boy and I have made acquaintance,"
he said, with great civility.
He got up and stepped slowly toward
that he had been in a manner presented.
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: The young girl walked on a few steps, laughing still. "You needn't be afraid," she repeated.
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: When his enemies spoke of him, they said--but, after all, he had no enemies; he was an extremely amiable fellow, and universally liked.
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: She asked him if he was a "real American"; she shouldn't have taken him for one; he seemed more like a German--this was said after a little hesitation--especially when he spoke.
Define what part of speech the underlined words are: "She is completely uncultivated," Winterbourne went on. "But she is wonderfully pretty, and, in short, she is very nice.To prove that I believe it, I am going to take her to the Chateau de Chillon."
Match the parts of the sentences:
Winterbourne reflected for an instant
he was on the way to learn.
He wants to stay at the hotel. Mother's afraid to leave him alone,
and the courier won't stay with him; so we haven't been to many places.
It presently became apparent that
as lucidly as possible--"we" could only mean Miss Daisy Miller and himself.
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: Miss Miller slowly rose. "See here, Eugenio!" she said; "I'm going to that old castle, anyway."
Match the parts of the sentences:
Winterbourne was impatient to see her again, and he was vexed with
his pretty cousins in New York were "tremendous flirts."
If, therefore, Miss Daisy Miller exceeded the liberal margin allowed to these young ladies, it was probable
that anything might be expected of her.
This seemed to throw some light upon the matter, for Winterbourne rememberedto have heard that
himself that, by instinct, he should not appreciate her justly.
Match the parts of the sentences:
"I have been looking round for that lady you want to introduce me to,"
strolled about with the young girl for sometime without meeting her mother.
Miss Daisy Miller seemed very glad to see him; she declared it was the
longest evening she had ever passed.
It appeared that Randolph's vigil was in fact triumphantly prolonged,for Winterbourne
his companion resumed.
Define what part of speech the underlined words are: This little boy stepped forward and carefully selected three of the coveted fragments, two of which he buried in the pocket ofhis knickerbockers, depositing the other as promptly in another place.
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: Miss Daisy Miller stopped and stood looking at him. Her prettiness was still visible in the darkness; she was opening and closing herenormous fan.
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: While he was thinking of something else to say, the young lady turned to the little boy again.
Define what part of speech the underlined words are: But on this point Randolph seemed perfectly indifferent; he continued to supply information with regard to his own family."My father's name is Ezra B. Miller," he announced.
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: The shore of the lake presents an unbroken array of establishments of this order, of every category, from the "grand hotel" of the newest fashion, with a chalk-white front, a hundred balconies, and a dozen flags flying from its roof,to the little Swiss pension of an elder day, with its name inscribed in German-looking lettering upon a pink or yellow wall and an awkward summerhouse in the angle of the garden.
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: "I should like to know where you got that pole," she said. "I bought it," responded Randolph.
The underlined word in the sentence is a PRONOUN. A) "And a courier?" said Mrs. Costello. "Oh yes, I have observed them. Seen them--heard them--and kept out of their way." B) Mrs. Costello was a widow with a fortune; a person of much distinction, who frequently intimated that, if she were not so dreadfully liable to sick headaches, she would probably have left a deeper impress upon her time. Подберите правильный ответ
А - нет, В - нет
А - да, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
А - да, В - да
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: Two days afterward he went off with her to the Castle of Chillon. He waited for her in the large hall of the hotel, where the couriers,the servants, the foreign tourists, were lounging about and staring. It was not the place he should have chosen, but she had appointed it.
Match the parts of the sentences:
Was she simply
an audacious, an unscrupulous young person?
Were they all like that, the pretty girls who
had a good deal of gentlemen's society?
Or was she also a designing,
a pretty girl from New York State?
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: She would be very exclusive. I like a lady to be exclusive; I'm dying to be exclusive myself.
The underlined word is a NOUN. A) The young lady inspected her flounces and smoothed her ribbons again;and Winterbourne presently risked an observation upon the beautyof the view. B) He was ceasing to be embarrassed, for he had begunto perceive that she was not in the least embarrassed herself.Подберите правильный ответ
А - нет, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
А - да, В - нет
А - да, В - да