Англ.яз. Теоретическая грамматика (курс 1)

Define what part of speech the underlined words are: But Randolph immediately added, "My father's in Schenectady. He's got a big business. My father's rich, you bet!"
Match the parts of the sentences:
"He is not a gentleman," said the young American;
far-stretching intentions.
Winterbourne flattered himself that
he had taken his measure.
But he kept his temper in a manner which suggested
"he is only a clever imitation of one.
Match the parts of the sentences:
In Geneva, as he had been perfectly aware, a young man was not at liberty to speak to a young unmarried lady
she then turned her head and looked over the parapet, at the lake and the opposite mountains.
He wondered whether he had gonetoo far, but he decided that
he must advance farther, rather than retreat.
This pretty American girl, however, on hearing Winterbourne's observation,simply glanced at him;
except under certain rarely occurringconditions; but here at Vevey, what conditions could be better than these?--a pretty American girl coming and standing in front of you in a garden.
Define what part of speech the underlined words are: He poked his alpenstock, lance-fashion, into Winterbourne's bench and tried to crack the lump of sugar with his teeth. "Oh, blazes; it's har-r-d!" he exclaimed, pronouncing the adjective in a peculiar manner.
Match the parts of the sentences:
He leaned back in his seat;he remarked to himself that she had the most charming nose he had ever seen;
she was only a pretty American flirt.
Winterbourne was almost grateful
for having found the formulathat applied to Miss Daisy Miller.
But this young girl was not a coquette in that sense; she was very unsophisticated;
he wondered what were the regular conditionsand limitations of one's intercourse with a pretty American flirt.
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: He thought it very possible that Master Randolph's sister was a coquette; he was sure she had a spirit of her own; but in her bright,sweet, superficial little visage there was no mockery, no irony.
The underlined word is: "An intimacy with the courier?" the young man demanded."Oh, the mother is just as bad! They treat the courier like a familiar friend--like a gentleman. I shouldn't wonder if he dines with them.
The underlined word is: Very likely they have never seen a man with such good manners, such fine clothes, so like a gentleman.
Define what part of speech the underlined words are: "I said I should take the liberty of introducing her to my admirable aunt.""I am much obliged to you."
The underlined word in the sentence is a PRONOUN. A) This young man was amusing himself at Hamburg, and, though he wason his travels, was rarely perceived to visit any particular city at the moment selected by his mother for her own appearance there.B) Her nephew, who had come up to Vevey expressly to see her, was therefore more attentive than those who, as she said, were nearer to her.Подберите правильный ответ
А - нет, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
А - да, В - да
А - да, В - нет
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: The young girl looked at him through the dusk."But I suppose she doesn't have a headache every day, "she said sympathetically.
Match the parts of the sentences:
It was ten o'clock. He had dined with his aunt, had been sitting withher since dinner,
but he discovered, promptly enough, that with Miss Daisy Miller therewas no great need of walking on tiptoe.
He found her that evening inthe garden, wandering about in the warm starlight like an indolent sylph,
and swinging to and fro the largest fan he had ever beheld.
Though he was impatient to see her, he hardly knew what he shouldsay to her about his aunt's refusal to become acquainted with her;
and had just taken leave of her till the morrow.
Match the parts of the sentences:
"She's got to give me some candy, then," rejoined his young interlocutor."I can't get any candy here--
said the child.
"And are American little boys
the best little boys?" asked Winterbourne.
"I don't know. I'm an American boy,"
any American candy. American candy'sthe best candy."
The underlined word is: She admitted that she was very exclusive; but, if he were acquainted with New York, he would see that one had to be.
Match the parts of the sentences:
Certainly she was very charming,
he had become dishabituated to the American tone.
Never, indeed, since he had grown old enough to appreciate things,
had he encountered a young American girl of so pronounced a type as this.
He felt that he had lived at Geneva so long that he had lost a good deal;
but how deucedly sociable!
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: She strolled alone with one of them on each side of her; Mr. Giovanelli, who spoke English very cleverly--Winterbourne afterward learnedthat he had practiced the idiom upon a great many American heiresses--addressed her a great deal of very polite nonsense; he was extremely urbane, and the young American, who said nothing, reflected upon that profundity of Italian cleverness which enables people to appearmore gracious in proportion as they are more acutely disappointed. Giovanelli, of course, had counted upon something more intimate; he had not bargained for a party of three.
The underlined word is a NOUN. A) "I don't know," said Randolph. "I don't want to go to Italy.I want to go to America."B) "Oh, Italy is a beautiful place!" rejoined the young man.Подберите правильный ответ
А - нет, В - да
А - да, В - нет
А - да, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: Before long it became obvious that she was much disposed toward conversation.
The underlined word in the sentence is a PRONOUN. A) "Oh, well, we'll go some day," said Miss Miller. And she gave him a smile and turned away. B) She put up her parasol and walked back to the inn beside Eugenio. Winterbourne stood looking after her; and as she moved away, drawing her muslin furbelows over the gravel, said to himself that she had the tournure of a princess. Подберите правильный ответ
А - да, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
А - да, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: There is a flitting hither and thitherof "stylish" young girls, a rustling of muslin flounces, a rattle of dance music in the morning hours, a sound of high-pitched voices at all times.
Match the parts of the sentences:
She was very quiet and very comme il faut; she wore white puffs;
said Miss Daisy, chattering alongin her thin, gay voice. "
"She's your aunt." Then, on Winterbourne's admitting the fact and expressing some curiosity as
to how she had learned it,she said she had heard all about Mrs. Costello from the chambermaid.
Every two days she had a headache. "I think that's a lovely description, headache and all!"
she spoke to no one, and she never dined at the table d'hote.
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: What I should say is, simply, that when certain persons spoke of him they affirmed that the reason of his spending so muchtime at Geneva was that he was extremely devoted to a lady who lived there--a foreign lady--a person older than himself.
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: There are sights and sounds which evoke a vision, an echo, of Newport and Saratoga.
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: Daisy Miller looked out uponthe mysterious prospect and then she gave another little laugh. "Gracious! she IS exclusive!" she said.
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: It was not, however, what would have been called an immodest glance, for the young girl's eyes were singularly honest and fresh.
Define what part of speech the underlined words are: He had now finished his breakfast; but he was drinking a small cup of coffee, which had been served to him on a little tablein the garden by one of the waiters who looked like an attache.
Define what part of speech the underlined words are: She told him she was from New York State--"if you know where that is. "Winterbourne learned more about her by catching hold of her small, slippery brother and making him stand a few minutes by his side.
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: This program seemed almost too agreeable for credence; he felt as if he ought to kiss the young lady's hand.
The underlined word is: Winterbourne listened with interest to these disclosures;they helped him to make up his mind about Miss Daisy. Evidently she was rather wild. "Well," he said, "I am not a courier, and yet she was very charming to me."
Define what part of speech the underlined words are: One of these friends was an American lady who had spent several winters at Geneva, where she had placed her children at school.
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: "Why should she want to know me?" Then she paused again; she was close to the parapet of the garden, and in front of her was the starlit lake. There was a vague sheen upon its surface, and in the distance were dimly seen mountain forms.
The underlined word is: "Ah, you don't accept them?" said the young man. "I can't, my dear Frederick. I would if I could, but I can't."
The underlined word is a NOUN. A) "Going where?" the child demanded.B) "To Italy," Winterbourne explained.Подберите правильный ответ
А - да, В - да
А - да, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
The underlined word in the sentence is an ADJECTIVE. A) But before he had time to commit himself to this perilous mixture of gallantry and impiety, the young lady, resuming her walk, gave an exclamation in quite another tone. B) "Well, here's Mother! I guess she hasn't got Randolph to go to bed." The figure of a lady appeared at a distance, very indistinctin the darkness, and advancing with a slow and wavering movement. Suddenly it seemed to pause. Подберите правильный ответ
А - нет, В - нет
А - да, В - да
А - да, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: Many of these he had kept,and they were a source of great satisfaction to him.
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: It was a beautiful summer morning, and in whatever fashion the young American looked at things, they must have seemed to him charming.
Match the parts of the sentences:
"He doesn't like Europe,"
lowering her parasol and lookingat the embroidered border.
Winterbourne presently released the child, who departed,
dragging his alpenstock along the path.
"Well!" ejaculated Miss Miller,
said the young girl. "He wantsto go back."
Match the parts of the sentences:
Poor Winterbourne was amused,
save in cases where to say suchthings seemed a kind of demonstrative evidence of a certain laxity of deportment.
And yet was he to accuse Miss Daisy Miller
of actual or potential inconduite, as they said at Geneva?
He had never yet heard a young girl express herself in just this fashion; never, at least,
perplexed, and decidedly charmed.
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: But Winterbourne had an old attachment for the little metropolis of Calvinism; he had been put to school there as a boy, and he had afterwardgone to college there--circumstances which had led to his forming a great many youthful friendships.
Match the parts of the sentences:
Miss Daisy Miller
American girls were exceedingly innocent; and others had told him that, after all, they were not.
Winterbourne had lost his instinct
in this matter, and his reasoncould not help him.
Some people had told him that, after all,
looked extremely innocent.
Define what part of speech the underlined words are: Winterbourne imagined for a moment that this was the manner in which the child had been taught to intimate that Mr. Miller had been removed to the sphere of celestial reward.
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: It was not at all insipid, but it was not exactly expressive; and though it was eminently delicate, Winterbourne mentally accused it--very forgivingly--of a want of finish.
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: In this region, in the month of June, American travelers are extremely numerous; it may be said, indeed, that Vevey assumes at this period some of the characteristics of an American watering place.
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: Winterbourne was embarrassed. "She would be most happy," he said; "but I am afraid those headaches will interfere."
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: One of the hotels at Vevey, however, is famous, even classical, being distinguished from many of its upstart neighbors by an air both of luxury and of maturity.
Define what part of speech the underlined words are: "Her real name is Annie P. Miller," the boy went on. "Ask him HIS name," said his sister, indicating Winterbourne.
Define what part of speech the underlined word is:
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: Winterbourne wonderedwhether she was seriously wounded, and for a moment almost wished that her sense of injury might be such as to make it becoming in him to attempt to reassure and comfort her.
Define what part of speech is the underlined word: You receive an impressionof these things at the excellent inn of the "Trois Couronnes"and are transported in fancy to the Ocean House or to Congress Hall.
Define what part of speech the underlined word is: I want to know her ever so much.I know just what YOUR aunt would be; I know I should like her.