Англ.язык: профессиональная терминология и основы перевода научных текстов (магистр)
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) The term clinical sociologist has appeared to describe the work of the sociologist as technician. B) Some sociologists are engaged in planning and conducting community action programmes advise on public relations, employee relations, working on human relations problems etc.
А - да, В - нет
А - нет, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
А - да, В - да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) Teaching is the major career of many sociologists. In addition the concerns and problems of teaching in any field, the problem of value neutrality versus value commitment is a particularly acute question. B) Teaching is the major career of many sociologists. In addition to the concerns and problems of teaching in any field, the problem of value neutrality versus value commitment is a particularly acute question.
А - да, В - нет
А - нет, В - нет
А - да, В - да
А - нет, В - да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) Sociological prediction can also help to estimate the probable effects of a social policy. B) Every social policy decision is a prediction. A policy is begun in the hope that it will produce a desired effect.
А - да, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
А - да, В - да
Sociologists make ____useful distinction between elements of material and nonmaterial culture.
Social systems tend to differentiate these problems so as__________ the functional capabilities of the system.
have increased
to increase
The theory emerged from Marxism in the 1850s based primarily on the premise of economic exploitation of one class _____another.
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) Every science appropriates some common words and makes them into scientific concepts by giving them a specific definition and sociology is no exception. B) As societies strive to become modernized and as the role of formally organized political parties becomes more and more dominant, it appears difficult to make a sharp distinction between the social stratification and the institutional approaches to political sociology.
А - да, В - да
А - да, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
The female method is collaborative, collective action and responsibility is more important ______personal achievement. Lateral thinking, (thinking a creative way, making unusual connection) as well goodwill and the well-being of the individual, are also of great importance.
Contemporary political sociology involves much more_____ the study of the relations between state and society.
A number of full time research sociologists are employed by universities, government agencies, foundations or corporations and many sociologists divide _____time between teaching and research.
Pluralism sees politics primarily as a contest among competing________ groups.
Like all scientists sociologists are concerned with both collecting and using knowledge. As a scientist the sociologist's foremost task is __________ and organize knowledge about social life.
to discover
to be discovered
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) Sociologists have helped to clear doubts about hereditary, race, class, sex differences, deviation and nearly every other aspect of behaviour. B) Another task of the sociologist as a scientist is to clear away the misinformation and superstition which clutters so much of our social thinking.
А - да, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
А - да, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
Among sociologists, “culture” just as often refers to the beliefs that people hold about reality, the norms that guide _______behaviour, the values that orient their moral commitments, or the symbols through which these beliefs, norms, and values are communicated.
Personality system: This aspect of the system of social action is responsible for the needs for fulfillment________ the man makes effort and performs certain actions.
of with
of which
of what
The theory_______ from Marxism in the 1850s based primarily on the premise of economic exploitation of one class by another. It split into two parts: one is the power structure or instrumentalist approach, another is the structuralism approach.
Political sociology broadly conceived is the study of power and domination in social relationships. It could thereby _________analysis of the family, the mass media, universities, trade unions, and so on.
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) Sociologists make sociological prediction. Every policy decision is based upon certain assumptions about the present and future state of the society. B) Sociologists make sociological predictions. Every policy decision based upon certain assumptions about the present and future state of the society.
А - да, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
А - да, В - нет
Three major theoretical frameworks are pluralism, elite or managerial theory and class analysis which_________ with Marxist analysis.
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) Pluralism sees politics primarily as a contest among competing interest groups. Elite or managerial theory is sometimes call a state-centered approach. B) Pluralism sees politics primarily as a contest among competing interest groups. Elite or managerial theory is sometimes called a state-centered approach.
А - да, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
А - да, В - нет
_____________of the sociologist as a scientist is to clear away the misinformation and superstition which clutters so much of our social thinking.
Another task
Other tasks
Another tasks
Other task
Culture is the symbolic-expressive________ of social life.
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) Pluralism sees politics primarily as a contest among competing interest groups. B) Elite or managerial theory is sometimes called a state-centered approach.
А - нет, В - да
А - да, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
А - да, В - нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) One of the greatest services any scholarly group can offer is show the society what policies are most likely to work in achieving its objectives. B) One of the greatest services any scholarly group can offer is to show the society what policies are most likely to work in achieving its objectives.
А - нет, В - нет
А - да, В - нет
А - да, В - да
А - нет, В - да
Sociologists ___________to clear doubts about hereditary, race, class, sex differences, deviation and nearly every other aspect of behaviour.
was helping
has been helped
have helped
has helped
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) Theorists of the democratic process have therefore had face the task of making an intellectual contribution to “institution building,” both to strengthen parliament and to make possible representation at new points in the political process. B) Important innovations in the field come from the French Pragmatism and particularly from the Political and Moral Sociology elaborate by Luc Boltanski and Laurent Thévenot.
А - да, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
А - да, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
Every social action has two aspects one is_____ reality and other is its form.
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) Political sociologists apply several theories to substantive issues. B) Three major theoretical frameworks are pluralism, elite or managerial theory and class analysis which overlaps with Marxist analysis.
А - да, В - нет
А - нет, В - да
А - да, В - да
А - нет, В - нет
Sociology according to Weber is not merely confined to study of social action. It is an interpretative ____________of the social action.
to understand
Another type of political situation obtains in those developing countries of ancient civilization which are___________ to modernize their societies after emancipation from foreign rule.
been attempt