ПКОЯз. Англ. Практикум по культуре речевого общения

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“Double jeopardy”
to prosecute
возбудить дело, предъявить иск
вторичное привлечение к уголовной ответственности за то же преступление
The United Kingdom is one of six constitutional monarchies within Europe (the other five being Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and _________).
Вставьте пропущенное слово. US Congress is sometimes criticized by the American press ______ an unrepresentative institution.
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to hold office
at the expense of smb
за счет кого-либо
to regulate
занимать пост, быть у власти (о партии)
Раскройте скобки. Soon the settlers (find) the place to build their village there.
Вставьте пропущенное слово. Amendment 7: Jury trials in civil ________ where value exceeds 20 dollars.
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) They ruined their houses and took their possessions. В) The Saxons suffered very much from the Normans and hates their new masters.
А- нет, В- да
А- да, В- нет
А- нет, В- нет
А- да, В- да
From the time of the scientific revolution, England and Scotland, and thereafter the United Kingdom, have _______prominent in world scientific and technological development.
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living standards
быть в ходу у кого-либо, употребляться(о языке)
to survive
to be spoken by
уровень жизни
The party’s Central Office is responsible ________ the leader.
Раскройте скобки. When the war was over, Lincoln issued a proclamation to say that slavery (be) abolished.
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олдермен (старший советник Лондонского муниципалитета)
Lord Major
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The current flag is blazoned Azure, the Crosses Saltire of St Andrew and St Patrick, quarterly per saltire, counterchanged Argent and Gules,
the flag "the right way up".
The additional white stripe is added (as with the St George's cross)
to prevent "colour next to colour", a heraldic imperative.
The arrangement has introduced a requirement to display
the latter fimbriated of the second, surmounted by the Cross of St George of the third, fimbriated as the saltire.
A Parliament has a maximum duration of __________ years, but it is not fixed, and the government of the day may dissolve it and call for a general election at any time during the term.
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They could not write
as his family could not afford better education.
They settled down in the land
they had conquered and became the forefathers of the people of England and part of Scotland.
He was taught reading, writing and simple arithmetic
the composition.
Раскройте скобки. Lincoln (be) well known all over America and everybody loved him.
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) Well, I suppose I does approve of the monarchy, of the idea of a monarchy. В) I used to disapprove of royal families in general.
А- нет, В- да
А- да, В- да
А- нет, В- нет
А- да, В- нет
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Trooping the Colour
орден Чертополоха
Order of the Garter
орден Подвязки
Order of the Thirstle
вынос знамени
Вставьте пропущенное слово. Is Great Britain a large or a small country in area and __________ population?
Вставьте пропущенное слово. How are votes taken in American__________ ?
The Queen personifies the State. She is
the head of the established Church of England
head of the executive and judiciary
commander-in-chief of all armed forces of the Crown
Governor-general of the Commonwealth
The Muscovy Company held a monopoly over trade between England and Russia ______ 1698.
Раскройте скобки. The Supreme Court (be) responsible for upholding Constitutional law.
Вставьте пропущенное слово. . The Speaker or Vice-________ does the counting in his chamber and announces the result.
Раскройте скобки. Lincoln was (born) in the family of a poor farmer in 1809 in Kentucky, but soon his family left for the wild forest land of Indiana.
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Whether to use "Union Flag"
from the Union of Great Britain and Ireland in 1801.
It retains an official or semi-official status
in many Commonwealth Realms.
The current design dates
or "Union Jack" is a matter of debate.
The political power of the _________ is second only to that of the President. He has the duty of trying to maintain peace and to negotiate economic and political treaties.
Secretary of State
Lord Chancellor
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It gives the Republic of Ireland a voice in the administration of Northern Ireland,
and Irish governments made a new political agreement on Northern Ireland, the Anglo-Irish Agreement.
Since trouble started in Northern Ireland in the late 1960s there have been a number of attempts
to find a political solution to the Northern Ireland problem.
In November 1985, the British
and the Irish government recognizes that there will only be a united Ireland, if a majority of people in Ulster agree to it.
The executive branch consists of __________headed by ministers (or secretaries of state).
government ministries
the electorate
the Government Cabinet
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Организация стран-экспортеров нефти (ОСЭН, ОПЕК)
age census
возрастной ценз
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common law
от имени монарха
to safeguard
in the name of the monarch
общее право
__________ to the Throne in the United Kingdom is still hereditary.
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) The situation with Mary Queen of Scots was most vexing to Elizabeth. В) Mary, in Elizabeth's custody beginning in 1568, gained the loyalty of Catholic factions and instituted several-failed assassination/overthrow plots against Elizabeth.
А- нет, В- да
А- да, В- да
А- да, В- нет
А- нет, В- нет
The persecution of continental Protestants forced Elizabeth _______ war, a situation which she desperately tried to avoid.
out of
The Kingdom of England and Tsardom of Russia established relations in 1553, when English navigator Richard Chancellor _________ in Archangelsk.
Вставьте пропущенное слово. The Constitution embodied the political theories of the Founding ________, who represented the interests of a privileged class, as the great majority of those who formulated the Constitution, were men of property.
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) Who of the adjectives in the Introduction does he associate with the British monarchy? В) How does he compare monarchs and ‘soap operas’ (popular television dramas)?
А- нет, В- да
А- да, В- нет
А- нет, В- нет
А- да, В- да
Вставьте пропущенное слово. In various countries _________ power is vested in different bodies: national assemblies, parliaments, etc.
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branch of the government
ветвь правительства
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But by 1674, while formally referred to as "His Majesty's Jack",
as "the British flag" or "the flag of Britain".
The word 'jack' was in use before 1600
to describe the maritime bow flag.
When the flag was introduced in 1606, it was known simply
it was commonly called the Union Jack, and this was officially acknowledged.
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верховный апелляционный суд
“Black Rod”
“Чёрный жезл”, герольдмейстер
Highest appeal court
Кабинет министров
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) Does he feels sorry for the British Royal Family? В) How does he compare monarchs and ‘soap operas’ (popular television dramas)?
А- да, В- нет
А- нет, В- да
А- да, В- да
А- нет, В- нет
Вставьте пропущенное слово. Freedom of enterpise in practice means freedom of the wealthy to _________ at the expense of the working man.
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) They usually work hard. В) You know, you hear, in England you hear all the time, ‘Oh, don’t you feel sorry for the Royal Family.’
А- нет, В- нет
А- нет, В- да
А- да, В- нет
А- да, В- да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) They hoped they will have a better life there. В) After a stormy voyage across the Atlantic, their small ship, the "Mayflower", reached the shores of the new land.
А- нет, В- нет
А- нет, В- да
А- да, В- нет
А- да, В- да
Вставьте пропущенное слово. What _________ are proclaimed by the Constitution?
Вставьте пропущенное слово. Amendment 3: Troops may not be quartered in homes in_________ .
The present monarch, ___________, is directly descended from Saxon king Egbert, who united England under his rule in 829.
Queen Elizabeth II
King Edward I
Queen Elizabeth I
King James V
Вставьте пропущенное слово. Amendment 9: Unlisted _______ are not necessarily denied.
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) Elizabeth's reign was one of the more constructive periods in English history В) Francis Drake and Walter Raleigh was instrumental in expanding English influence in the New World.
А- да, В- да
А- нет, В- да
А- да, В- нет
А- нет, В- нет